<% @page_title = @topic.title %> <% @monitoring = logged_in? && !Monitorship.count(:all, :conditions => ['user_id = ? and topic_id = ? and active = ?', current_user.id, @topic.id, true]).zero? %> <% content_for :right do -%> <% unless @forum.description.blank? %>


<%= @forum.description_html %> <% end %>


<% end # right content -%> <% if logged_in? -%> <% form_tag monitorships_path(@forum, @topic) + (@monitoring ? '/destroy' : ''), :style => 'margin-top:0em; float:right;' do -%>
/> <%= submit_tag :Set, :id => 'monitor_submit' %>
<% end -%> <% end -%>
<%= link_to "Forums", home_path %> <%= link_to h(@topic.forum.name), forum_path(@topic.forum) %>

> <%= h @topic.title %> <% if @topic.locked? %> (locked) <% end %> <% if logged_in? %> <% if (current_user.admin? && @topic.editable_by?(current_user)) -%> <%= link_to('edit', edit_topic_path(@forum, @topic), :class => "utility") %> <% form_for(:topic, { :html => { :method => :delete, :class => 'xdialog', :style => 'display:inline', :onsubmit => 'return confirm("Delete this topic forever?");' }, :url => topic_path(@forum, @topic) } ) do |f| -%> <%= submit_tag 'Delete' %> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% end %>

<%= feed_icon_tag @topic.title, formatted_topic_path(@forum, @topic, :rss) %> <%= pluralize @topic.posts.count, 'post' %>, <%= pluralize @topic.voices, 'voice' %>

<% if @post_pages.page_count > 1 -%>
<% form_tag( @posts, { :method => 'get' } ) do %> <%= hidden_field_tag(:q, params[:q] ) if params.has_key?(:q) %> Posts per page: <%= select_tag( 'posts_per_page', options_for_select( ['25', '50', '100'], params[:posts_per_page] ), :id => nil ) %> <%= submit_tag( 'Change', { :name => 'posts_per_page_change', :style => 'font-size: 9pt' } ) %> <% end %>

Pages: <%= topicshelp_pagination_links_for( @post_pages ) %>

<% end -%>   <% for post in @posts do %> <% unless post == @posts.first %> <% end %> <% end %>
<%= avatar_for post.user %> <%= link_to h(post.user.display_name), user_path(post.user), :class => (post.user == @posts.first.user ? "admin" : nil) %> <%= pluralize post.user.posts_count, 'post' %> <% if logged_in? && post.editable_by?(current_user) -%>

<%= link_to('Edit post', edit_post_path(:forum_id => @forum, :topic_id => @topic, :id => post, :page => @post_pages.current, :posts_per_page => params[:posts_per_page]), :class => "utility") %>

<% end -%>
<%= post.body_html %>
<% if @post_pages and @post_pages.current.next %>

<%= link_to "Next page", { :page => @post_pages.current.next }.merge(params.reject{|k,v| k=="page"}) %>

<% end %> <% if @post_pages.page_count > 1 -%>

Pages: <%= topicshelp_pagination_links_for( @post_pages ) %>

<% end -%> <% if logged_in? %>
<% if @topic.locked? %>

<%= image_tag "clearbits/lock.gif", :class => "icon grey", :title => "Topic locked" %>

<% else %>


<%= content_tag 'p', h(flash[:bad_reply]), :class => 'notice' if flash[:bad_reply] %> <% form_for :post, :url => posts_path(:forum_id => @forum, :topic_id => @topic, :page => @topic.last_page(params[:posts_per_page])) do |f| -%> <%= f.text_area :body, :rows => 8 %>

Formatting Help
See also the Textile reference here. Don't worry about making mistakes - after adding a reply, you can edit your message as many times as you like.

<%= apphelp_pagination_fields() %> <%= submit_tag "Save Reply" %>

<% end -%>
<% end %> <% else %>


To post replies, please first log in. <% end %>

<%= link_to "Forums", home_path %> <%= link_to h(@topic.forum.name), forum_path(@topic.forum) %>