# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/environment.rb # The production environment is meant for finished, "live" apps. # Code is not reloaded between requests config.cache_classes = true # Use a different logger for distributed setups # config.logger = SyslogLogger.new # Full error reports are disabled and caching is turned on config.action_controller.consider_all_requests_local = false config.action_controller.perform_caching = true # Enable serving of images, stylesheets, and javascripts from an asset server # config.action_controller.asset_host = "http://assets.example.com" # Disable delivery errors if you bad email addresses should just be ignored # config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false config.after_initialize do require 'application' unless Object.const_defined?(:ApplicationController) LoggedExceptionsController.class_eval do session :session_key => '_beast_session_id' include AuthenticationSystem before_filter :login_required self.application_name = "Beast" protected alias admin? authorized? # modify beast's login required to accept http basic auth def login_required_with_basic respond_to do |accepts| accepts.html { login_required_without_basic } accepts.rss do access_denied_with_basic_auth unless self.current_user = User.authenticate(*get_auth_data) end end end alias_method_chain :login_required, :basic end end