desc "freeze rails edge" task :deploy_edge do ENV['SHARED_PATH'] = '../../shared' unless ENV['SHARED_PATH'] ENV['RAILS_PATH'] ||= File.join(ENV['SHARED_PATH'], 'rails') checkout_path = File.join(ENV['RAILS_PATH'], 'trunk') export_path = "#{ENV['RAILS_PATH']}/rev_#{ENV['REVISION']}" symlink_path = 'vendor/rails' # do we need to checkout the file? unless File.exists?(checkout_path) puts 'setting up rails trunk' get_framework_for checkout_path do |framework| system "svn co{framework}/lib #{checkout_path}/#{framework}/lib --quiet" end end # do we need to export the revision? unless File.exists?(export_path) puts "setting up rails rev #{ENV['REVISION']}" get_framework_for export_path do |framework| system "svn up #{checkout_path}/#{framework}/lib -r #{ENV['REVISION']} --quiet" system "svn export #{checkout_path}/#{framework}/lib #{export_path}/#{framework}/lib" end end puts 'linking rails' rm_rf symlink_path mkdir_p symlink_path get_framework_for symlink_path do |framework| ln_s File.expand_path("#{export_path}/#{framework}/lib"), "#{symlink_path}/#{framework}/lib" end touch "vendor/rails_#{ENV['REVISION']}" end def get_framework_for(*paths) %w( railties actionpack activerecord actionmailer activesupport activeresource ).each do |framework| paths.each { |path| mkdir_p "#{path}/#{framework}" } yield framework end end