require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' require 'users_controller' # Re-raise errors caught by the controller. class UsersController def rescue_action(exception) exception.is_a?(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) ? render_invalid_record(exception.record) : super end end class UsersControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase all_fixtures def setup @controller = @request = @response = end def test_should_get_index get :index assert_response :success assert assigns(:users) assert_select 'html>head' end def test_should_get_index_as_xml get :index, :format => 'xml' assert_response :success assert_select 'users>user' end def test_should_get_new get :new assert_response :success end def test_should_not_allow_user_creation_with_xml post :create, :user => { :login => 'nico', :email => '', :password => 'fooey', :password_confirmation => 'fooey' }, :format => 'xml' assert_response 406 end def test_should_create_user assert_difference User, :count do post :create, :user => { :login => 'nico', :email => '', :password => 'fooey', :password_confirmation => 'fooey' } end assert_not_nil assigns(:user).login_key assert !assigns(:user).activated? assert_redirected_to login_path # => JOSH: can be removed if new sessions stuff works out # assert_not_nil assigns(:user).last_seen_at # assert_redirected_to user_path(assigns(:user)) end def test_should_reset_login_key_for_forgotten_password old_key = users(:sam).login_key assert_difference User, :count, 0 do post :create, :email => users(:sam).email end assert_redirected_to login_path assert old_key != users(:sam).reload.login_key end def test_should_require_password assert_difference User, :count, 0 do post :create, :user => { :password => '', :password_confirmation => '', :login => '', :email => '' } assert_template 'new' end end def test_should_not_bomb_when_resetting_invalid_email assert_difference User, :count, 0 do post :create, :email => 'whatever' end assert_redirected_to login_path end def test_should_show_user get :show, :id => 1 assert_response :success assert_select 'html>head' end def test_should_show_user_with_xml get :show, :id => 1, :format => 'xml' assert_response :success assert_select 'user' end def test_should_require_valid_user login_as :sam get :edit, :id => users(:aaron).id assert_redirected_to login_path end def test_should_get_edit login_as :aaron get :edit, :id => users(:aaron).id assert_response :success end def test_should_get_edit_as_admin login_as :aaron get :edit, :id => users(:sam).id assert_response :success end def test_should_update_user login_as :aaron put :update, :id => 1, :user => { } assert_redirected_to edit_user_path(assigns(:user)) end def test_should_update_user_with_xml authorize_as :aaron put :update, :id => 1, :user => { }, :format => 'xml' assert_response :success end def test_should_only_update_safe_fields # non-admin should not be able to change all this stuff login_as :sam put :update, :id => users(:sam).id, :user => { :login => "ruby", :created_at => "2005-10-24", :updated_at => "2004-10-24", :last_login_at => "2005-10-24", :last_seen_at => "2005-10-24", :posts_count => "1000", :admin => "1" } assert_redirected_to edit_user_path(assigns(:user)) assert_equal users(:sam), assigns(:user) [:created_at, :last_login_at, :posts_count, :admin].each do |attr| assert_equal users(:sam).send(attr), assigns(:user).send(attr), "#{attr}" end assert_not_equal 2004, users(:sam).reload.updated_at.year assert_not_equal 2005, users(:sam).last_seen_at assert_equal 'sam', users(:sam).login assert_equal 2, users(:sam).posts_count assert !users(:sam).admin? end def test_admin_can_destroy_user login_as :aaron old_count = User.count delete :destroy, :id => 2 assert_equal old_count-1, User.count assert_redirected_to users_path end def test_normal_user_cannot_destroy_others login_as :sam old_count = User.count delete :destroy, :id => 1 assert_equal old_count, User.count assert_redirected_to login_path end def test_admin_can_destroy_user_with_xml authorize_as :aaron old_count = User.count delete :destroy, :id => 2, :format => 'xml' assert_equal old_count-1, User.count assert_response :success end def test_normal_user_cannot_destroy_others_with_xml authorize_as :sam old_count = User.count delete :destroy, :id => 1, :format => 'xml' assert_equal old_count, User.count assert_response 401 end def test_should_not_allow_setting_admin_with_xml authorize_as :aaron post :admin, :id => users(:sam).id, :user => { :admin => '1' }, :format => 'xml' assert_response 406 end def test_should_set_admin assert !users(:sam).admin? login_as :aaron post :admin, :id => users(:sam).id, :user => { :admin => '1' } assert_redirected_to user_path(users(:sam)) assert users(:sam).reload.admin? end def test_should_add_moderator assert !users(:sam).moderator_of?(forums(:comics)) login_as :aaron post :admin, :id => users(:sam).id, :user => { :admin => '1' }, :moderator => forums(:comics) assert_redirected_to user_path(users(:sam)) assert users(:sam).moderator_of?(forums(:comics)) end def test_should_require_admin_to_set_admin_properties login_as :sam post :admin, :id => users(:sam).id assert_redirected_to login_path end # users should not be able to destroy themselves unless we're using AAP or something def test_normal_user_cannot_destroy_themselves login_as :sam assert_difference User, :count, 0 do delete :destroy, :id => users(:sam).id end assert_redirected_to login_path end def test_should_not_activate_user_with_xml get :activate, :key => users(:kyle).login_key, :format => 'xml' assert_response 406 end def test_should_activate_user assert !users(:kyle).activated? get :activate, :key => users(:kyle).login_key assert_redirected_to home_path assert users(:kyle).reload.activated? assert_equal users(:kyle).id, session[:user_id] end def test_should_not_activate_invalid_key get :activate, :key => 'bad key' assert_redirected_to home_path end def test_should_not_disturb_activated_user assert users(:sam).activated? get :activate, :key => users(:sam).login_key assert users(:sam).reload.activated? assert_redirected_to home_path end end