Legend: [ ] not done [*] done [+] in progess ### General [*] RSS! [DONE] [*] General Admin interfaces [DONE] [+] Refine the overall design [ ] Beef up the Admin interface [ ] User/login/roles mangement [ ] Or enforce uft8 (using iconv) [ ] Clean up html markup + css [ ] Add indexes on db [ ] Cache things [ ] Work out some neat ConfigManager thingie, so Repository functions won't be enabled if no svn bindings are installed [ ] Add some sort of project title to the above, that goes in rss feeds, etc [ ] Cache RSS ### Repository browser [+] Create html/controller code for browsing at a specific revision [ ] check so that filesize is reasonable before sending it to the browser, error out if not [ ] Make more basic syntaxes for common filetypes [ ] Show revision and log info when viewing a file (+ diff with previous? + "back in time"?) ### Changeset browser/viewer [ ] show/download one single udiff for a changeset ## Tickets [*] Fix dodgy-ness when attempting to add changes to a ticket with empty values [DONE] [*] Attachments, both to initial tickets and followups [DONE] [*] Ability to sort by ticket #, date, status, severity etc (tablesort) [DONE] [ ] Post commit hooks for closing/reopening tickets etc [ ] Add ability to create & save a filter (and then /tickets/filter/1 for example) [ ] Add time estimation [ ] Decide on what markup and/or html to allow in comments/tickets [ ] Email subscriptions [ ] Move TicketChange.attachment to a seperate Attachment model [ ] Be able to assign a Ticket to a user. ## Search [ ] Search in changesets [ ] Search in tickets ### "Builder" (continous integration of builds) writeme