The Subversion Ruby bindings ============================ The bindings for Ruby is available from Subversion 1.2 and up. Installation is fairly straight forwards, as long as you meet the requirements of the svn bindings (see the INSTALL/NOTES in $SVN_SRC_DIR/subversion/bindings/swig). Be sure to note the requirements for the SWIG version in that file! The correct way to install the Ruby bindings once you've configured, maked and installed subversion is (unfortunately this doesn't seem to be covered in the current svn docs): $ make swig-rb $ make check-swig-rb (optional, but you probably want to run these tests) $ make install-swig-rb (as root) Configuring Collaboa ==================== 1. Copy (or rename) database.yml.sample to database.yml and set up the credentials and other database details you wish 2. Copy (or rename) repository.yml.sample to repository.yml and point it to the Subversion repository you wish to use for your environment (you probably want "production") 3. Run the following $ RAILS_ENV="production" rake db_schema_import 4. Run the following: $ RAILS_ENV="production" ruby db/default_content.rb to create the minimal default content Collaboa needs to start with. 5. Then, before you load up your Collaboa instance in your browser, you should run the following: $ RAILS_ENV="production" ./script/repository_syncer It will default to using your production settings, for options etc, run it with the --help flag 6. IMPORTANT! Change your admin password by logging into your collaboa install with: Username: admin Password: admin And go to Admin > Users > edit "admin" sync the database with your repository. Collaboa will automatically sync with your repository when it detects a change, but for the first run you'd want to run the rake task to avoid timeouts etc in case your repository is fairly big. 6. You can run pretty much any web server you wish (only tested with Lighttpd/Apache/Webrick though). If you just wanted to get started right away you can run "./script/server" and direct your browser at the url listed