module SearchHelper
# Highlights the +words+ where they is found in the +text+ by surrounding it like
# I'm a highlight phrase. The highlighter can be specialized by
# passing +highlighter+ as single-quoted string with \1 where the phrase is supposed to be inserted.
# N.B.: The +words+ is sanitized to include only letters, digits, and spaces before use.
def hilight_search_terms(text, words, highlighter = '\1')
if text.nil? || words.nil? then return end
unless text.nil?
CGI::unescape(words) # url un-encode the params
words.gsub!(/[\+\-\*]/, '') # remove +/- as used by search query
words.split(' ').each do |w|
text = text.gsub(/(#{Regexp.escape(w)})/i, highlighter)
return text