class TicketChange < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :ticket serialize :log def each_log return unless self.log self.log.each do |name, (old_value, new_value)| yield [name, old_value, new_value] end end def empty? return false if self.comment && !self.comment.empty? return false if self.log && !self.log.empty? return false if self.attachment && !self.attachment.empty? true end # TODO: flesh out def attach(attachment) unless attachment.blank? self.attachment = base_part_of(attachment.original_filename) self.content_type = attachment.content_type.strip self.attachment_fsname = dump_filename filename = dump_filename attachment.rewind, "wb") do |f| f.write( end end end def dump_filename File.expand_path(File.join(ATTACHMENTS_PATH, "#{}-#{self.attachment}")) end def has_attachment? self.attachment && !self.attachment.empty? end class << self # Returns am array of "normalized" hashes, useful for mixing display of search result from # other resources (token finder code based on things found in Typo) def search(query) if !query.to_s.strip.empty? tokens = query.split.collect {|c| "%#{c.downcase}%"} findings = find( :all, :conditions => [(["(LOWER(comment) LIKE ?)"] * tokens.size).join(" AND "), *tokens.collect { |token| [token] }.flatten], :order => 'created_at DESC') findings.collect do |f| { :title => "Ticket ##{f.ticket_id} comment by #{}", :content => f.comment, :link => { :controller => '/tickets', :action => 'show', :id => f.ticket_id }, :status => ( rescue 'Unknown') } end else [] end end end protected validates_presence_of :author private def base_part_of(filename) filename = File.basename(filename.strip) # remove leading period, whitespace and \ / : * ? " ' < > | filename = filename.gsub(%r{^\.|[\s/\\\*\:\?'"<>\|]}, '_') end end