Feature: Managing snippets In order to share content between layouts and pages, as a designer I want to manage a collection of snippets Background: Given I am logged in as "designer" Scenario: List snippets When I follow "Design" within "#navigation" And I follow "Snippets" Then I should see "first" And I should see "another" And I should see "markdown" # And a host of others Scenario: Create a snippet When I follow "Design" within "#navigation" And I follow "Snippets" And I follow "New Snippet" And I fill in "Name" with "Mine" And I fill in "Body" with "My snippet" And I press "Create Snippet" Then I should be on the snippets list And I should see "Mine" Scenario: Display form errors When I follow "Design" within "#navigation" And I follow "Snippets" And I follow "New Snippet" And I fill in "Body" with "My snippet" And I press "Create Snippet" Then I should see an error message And I should see the form Scenario: Continue editing When I follow "Design" within "#navigation" And I follow "Snippets" And I follow "New Snippet" And I fill in "Name" with "Mine" And I fill in "Body" with "My snippet" And I press "Save and Continue Editing" Then I should see "Edit Snippet" And I should see the form Scenario: View a snippet When I view a snippet Then I should see "Edit Snippet" Scenario: Delete a snippet with confirmation When I follow "Design" within "#navigation" And I follow "Snippets" And I follow "Remove" Then I should see "permanently remove" And I should see "another" When I press "Delete Snippet" Then I should not see "another"