Feature: Managing users In order to allow others to edit content and design assets As an administrator I want to manage the set of users Background: Given I am logged in as "admin" And I go to the "users" admin page Scenario: Listing users Then I should see "Admin" And I should see "Designer" And I should see "Existing" # And a host of others Scenario: View a user When I view a user Then I should see "Edit User" Scenario: Create new user When I follow "New User" And I fill in "Name" with "New Guy" And I fill in "E-mail" with "newguy@example.com" And I fill in "Username" with "new_guy" And I fill in "New Password" with "password" And I fill in "Confirm New Password" with "password" And I press "Create User" Then I should be on the users list And I should see "New Guy" Scenario: Display form errors on submit When I follow "New User" And I fill in "Name" with "New Guy" And I fill in "E-mail" with "newguy@example.com" And I press "Create User" Then I should see an error message And I should see the form Scenario: Edit existing user When I follow "Designer" Then I should see the form When I fill in "Name" with "Old Guy" And I fill in "Username" with "oldguy" And I uncheck "Designer" And I press "Save Changes" Then I should see "Old Guy" But I should not see "Designer" Scenario: Cannot remove self When I attempt to remove my own account Then I should see an error message And I should see "You cannot delete yourself" Scenario: Cannot forcefully delete self When I attempt to delete my own account Then I should see an error message And I should see "You cannot delete yourself" Scenario: Delete other users When I follow "Remove" Then I should see "permanently remove" And I should see "Another" When I press "Delete User" And I should not see "Another"