require 'rake/testtask' namespace :db do namespace :migrate do desc "Run all Radiant extension migrations" task :extensions => :environment do require 'radiant/extension_migrator' Radiant::ExtensionMigrator.migrate_extensions Rake::Task['db:schema:dump'].invoke end end namespace :remigrate do desc "Migrate down and back up all Radiant extension migrations" task :extensions => :environment do require 'highline/import' if agree("This task will destroy any data stored by extensions in the database. Are you sure you want to \ncontinue? [yn] ") require 'radiant/extension_migrator' Radiant::Extension.descendants.each {|ext| ext.migrator.migrate(0) } Rake::Task['db:migrate:extensions'].invoke Rake::Task['db:schema:dump'].invoke end end end end namespace :test do desc "Runs tests on all available Radiant extensions, pass EXT=extension_name to test a single extension" task :extensions => "db:test:prepare" do extension_roots = if ENV["EXT"] extension_roots = {|x| /\/(\d+_)?#{ENV["EXT"]}$/ === x } if extension_roots.empty? puts "Sorry, that extension is not installed." end end extension_roots.each do |directory| if, 'test')) chdir directory do if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ system "rake.cmd test RADIANT_ENV_FILE=#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/environment" else system "rake test RADIANT_ENV_FILE=#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/environment" end end end end end end namespace :spec do desc "Runs specs on all available Radiant extensions, pass EXT=extension_name to test a single extension" task :extensions => "db:test:prepare" do extension_roots = if ENV["EXT"] extension_roots = {|x| /\/(\d+_)?#{ENV["EXT"]}$/ === x } if extension_roots.empty? puts "Sorry, that extension is not installed." end end extension_roots.each do |directory| if, 'spec')) chdir directory do if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ system "rake.cmd spec RADIANT_ENV_FILE=#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/environment" else system "rake spec RADIANT_ENV_FILE=#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/environment" end end end end end end namespace :radiant do # TODO: load previously copied tasks just once. # If update_all is run multiple times, previously copied tasks will be loaded twice, # once from the local copy (RAILS_ROOT/lib/tasks) and once from the gem source. task :extensions => :environment do Radiant::ExtensionLoader.instance.extensions.each do |extension| next if extension.root.starts_with? RAILS_ROOT Dir[File.join extension.root, %w(lib tasks *.rake)].sort.each { |task| load task } end end namespace :extensions do desc "Runs update asset task for all extensions" task :update_all => [:environment, 'radiant:extensions'] do extension_names = { |f| f.to_s.underscore.sub(/_extension$/, '') } extension_update_tasks = { |n| "radiant:extensions:#{n}:update" }.select { |t| Rake::Task.task_defined?(t) } extension_update_tasks.each {|t| Rake::Task[t].invoke } end end end # Load any custom rakefiles from extensions [RAILS_ROOT, RADIANT_ROOT].uniq.each do |root| Dir[root + '/vendor/extensions/*/lib/tasks/*.rake'].sort.each { |ext| load ext } end