module Spec module Rails module Matchers class RenderTags def initialize(content = nil) @content = content end def matches?(page) @actual = render_content_with_page(@content, page) if @expected.kind_of?(Regexp) @expected = nil @matching = @expected end case when @expected_error_message: false when @expected: @actual == @expected when @matching: @actual =~ @matching when @not_matching: @actual !~ @not_matching else true end rescue => @actual_error if @expected_error_message @actual_error.message === @expected_error_message else @error_thrown = true false end end def failure_message action = case when @expected "render as #{@expected.inspect}" when @not_matching "render but not match #{@not_matching.inspect}" else "render and match #{@matching.inspect}" end unless @error_thrown unless @expected_error_message if @content "expected #{@content.inspect} to #{action}, but got #{@actual.inspect}" else "expected page to #{action}, but got #{@actual.inspect}" end else if @actual_error "expected rendering #{@content.inspect} to throw exception with message #{@expected_error_message.inspect}, but was #{@actual_error.message.inspect}" else "expected rendering #{@content.inspect} to throw exception with message #{@expected_error_message.inspect}, but no exception thrown. Rendered #{@actual.inspect} instead." end end else "expected #{@content.inspect} to render, but an exception was thrown #{@actual_error.message}" end end def description "render tags #{@expected.inspect}" end def as(output) @expected = output self end def matching(regexp) @matching = regexp self end def not_matching(regexp) @not_matching = regexp self end def with_error(message) @expected_error_message = message self end def on(url) url = test_host + "/" + url unless url =~ %r{^[^/]+\.[^/]+} url = 'http://' + url unless url =~ %r{^http://} uri = URI.parse(url) @request_uri = uri.request_uri unless uri.request_uri == '/' @host = self end def with_relative_root(url="/") @relative_root = url self end private def render_content_with_page(tag_content, page) page.request = page.request.params[:sample_param] = 'data' page.request.request_uri = @request_uri || page.url = @host || test_host ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = @relative_root page.response = if tag_content.nil? page.render else page.send(:parse, tag_content) end end def test_host "testhost.tld" end end # page.should render(input).as(output) # page.should render(input).as(output).on(url) # page.should render(input).matching(/hello world/) # page.should render(input).with_error(message) def render(input) end # page.should render_as(output) def render_as(output) end end end end