require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe User, "validations" do dataset :users test_helper :validations before :each do @model = @user = @user.confirm_password = false end it 'should validate length of' do assert_invalid :name, 'this must not be longer than 100 characters', 'x' * 101 assert_valid :name, 'x' * 100 assert_invalid :email, 'this must not be longer than 255 characters', ('x' * 247) + '' assert_valid :email, ('x' * 246) + '' end describe "self.unprotected_attributes" do it "should be an array of [:name, :email, :login, :password, :password_confirmation, :locale]" do # Make sure we clean up after anything set in another spec User.instance_variable_set(:@unprotected_attributes, nil) User.unprotected_attributes.should == [:name, :email, :login, :password, :password_confirmation, :locale] end end describe "self.unprotected_attributes=" do it "should set the @@unprotected_attributes variable to the given array" do User.unprotected_attributes = [:password, :email, :other] User.unprotected_attributes.should == [:password, :email, :other] end end it 'should validate length ranges' do { :login => 3..40, :password => 5..40 }.each do |field, range| max = 'x' * range.max min = 'x' * range.min one_over = 'x' + max one_under = min[1..-1] assert_invalid field, ('this must not be longer than %d characters' % range.max), one_over assert_invalid field, ('this must be at least %d characters long' % range.min), one_under assert_valid field, max, min end end it 'should validate length ranges on existing' do == true { :password => 5..40 }.each do |field, range| max = 'x' * range.max min = 'x' * range.min one_over = 'x' + max one_under = min[1..-1] assert_invalid field, ('this must not be longer than %d characters' % range.max), one_over assert_invalid field, ('this must be at least %d characters long' % range.min), one_under assert_valid field, max, min end end it 'should validate presence' do [:name, :login, :password, :password_confirmation].each do |field| assert_invalid field, 'this must not be blank', '', ' ', nil end end it 'should validate numericality' do [:id].each do |field| assert_valid field, '1', '0' assert_invalid field, 'this must be a number', 'abcd', '1,2', '1.3' end end it 'should validate confirmation' do @user.confirm_password = true assert_invalid :password, 'this must match confirmation', 'test' end it 'should validate uniqueness' do assert_invalid :login, 'this login is already in use', 'existing' end it 'should validate format' do assert_invalid :email, 'this is not a valid e-mail address', '', 'test@', '', 'test@test', 'test', 'test@me.c' assert_valid :email, '', '' end end describe User do dataset :users before :each do @user = @user.confirm_password = false end it 'should confirm the password by default' do @user = @user.confirm_password?.should == true end it 'should save password encrypted' do @user.confirm_password = true @user.password_confirmation = @user.password = 'test_password'! @user.password.should == @user.sha1('test_password') end it 'should save existing but empty password' do! @user.password_confirmation = @user.password = ''! @user.password.should == @user.sha1('password') end it 'should save existing but different password' do! @user.password_confirmation = @user.password = 'cool beans'! @user.password.should == @user.sha1('cool beans') end it 'should save existing but same password' do! &&! @user.password.should == @user.sha1('password') end it "should create a salt when encrypting the password" do @user.salt.should be_nil @user.send(:encrypt_password) @user.salt.should_not be_nil @user.password.should == @user.sha1('password') end describe ".remember_me" do before do Radiant::Config.stub!(:[]).with('session_timeout').and_return(2.weeks) @user.remember_me @user.reload end it "should remember user" do @user.session_token.should_not be_nil end end describe ".forget_me" do before do Radiant::Config.stub!(:[]).with('session_timeout').and_return(2.weeks) @user.remember_me end it "should forget user" do @user.forget_me @user.session_token.should be_nil end end end describe User, "class methods" do dataset :users it 'should authenticate with correct username and password' do expected = users(:existing) user = User.authenticate('existing', 'password') user.should == expected end it 'should authenticate with correct email and password' do expected = users(:existing) user = User.authenticate('', 'password') user.should == expected end it 'should not authenticate with bad password' do User.authenticate('existing', 'bad password').should be_nil end it 'should not authenticate with bad user' do User.authenticate('nonexisting', 'password').should be_nil end end describe User, "roles" do dataset :users it "should not have a non-existent role" do users(:existing).has_role?(:foo).should be_false end it "should not have a role for which the corresponding method returns false" do users(:existing).has_role?(:designer).should be_false users(:existing).has_role?(:admin).should be_false end it "should have a role for which the corresponding method returns true" do users(:designer).has_role?(:designer).should be_true users(:admin).has_role?(:admin).should be_true end end