class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base cattr_accessor :thumbnail_width, :thumbnail_height validates_presence_of :project_id, :path validates_associated :project belongs_to :project acts_as_taggable # Starts with '/' but is relative to 'public' @@asset_dir = '/system/assets' @@thumbnail_width = '200' @@thumbnail_height = '120' # Returns the full path to this asset on disk. /Users/bert/photos/pigeon.jpg # TODO Take size argument def absolute_path(size=:normal) File.expand_path("public#{self.web_path(size)}", RAILS_ROOT) end # :thumb, :normal, :original def web_path(size=:normal) if size == :original return path else path.gsub /(\..*?)$/, "_#{size.to_s}\\1" end end # Called automatically when saved from HTML forms def file_field=(file_field) if !file_field.original_filename.blank? # Make sure the directory exists for us to save into FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.expand_path("public#{@@asset_dir}", RAILS_ROOT)) # Set file to unique timestamp plus original extension self.path = "#{@@asset_dir}/#{}." + file_field.original_filename.gsub(/.*\./, ''), File::CREAT|File::WRONLY) { |f| f.write( } self.resize_thumbnail self.resize_normal end end def resize_thumbnail image = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(self.absolute_path(:original)) if (image.width.to_f/image.height.to_f) >= (@@thumbnail_width.to_f/@@thumbnail_height.to_f) # Wider than tall...use height image.combine_options do |i| i.resize "x#{@@thumbnail_height}" i.crop "#{@@thumbnail_width}x#{@@thumbnail_height}+0+0!" end else image.combine_options do |i| i.resize "#{@@thumbnail_width}x" i.crop "#{@@thumbnail_width}x#{@@thumbnail_height}+0+0!" end end image.write(File.expand_path("public#{self.web_path(:thumb)}", RAILS_ROOT)) end def resize_normal image = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(self.absolute_path(:original)) if image.width > 800 || image.height > 800 image.combine_options do |i| i.resize "800x800" end end # TODO Refactor image.write(File.expand_path("public#{self.web_path(:normal)}", RAILS_ROOT)) end def before_destroy [:original, :normal, :thumb].each do |size| begin File.delete absolute_path(size) rescue Errno::ENOENT => e end end end def rotate(direction='cw') degrees = 90 if direction == 'ccw' degrees = -90 end image = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(self.absolute_path(:original)) image.combine_options do |i| i.rotate degrees end image.write(File.expand_path("public#{self.web_path(:original)}", RAILS_ROOT)) resize_thumbnail resize_normal end # Returns the file extension, like jpg or pdf def extension self.path.gsub(/.*\./, '') end # Returns the http Content-Type (image/png, etc.) # # TODO Add more types, or get from a reference def file_type file_types = { /jpe?g/i => 'image/jpeg', /png/ => 'image/png', /gif/ => 'image/gif' } file_types.keys.each do |k| if k.match(self.extension) return file_types[k] end end nil end protected # Fixes a 'feature' of IE where it passes the entire path instead of just the filename def sanitize_filename(value) #get only the filename, not the whole path just_filename = value.gsub(/^.*(\\|\/)/, '') #NOTE: File.basename doesn't work right with Windows paths on Unix #INCORRECT: just_filename = File.basename(value.gsub('\\\\', '/')) #replace all none alphanumeric, underscore or periods with underscore just_filename.gsub(/[^\w\.\-]/,'_') end end