== Welcome to Hub Hub is a single sign-on solution for multiple Ruby On Rails applications which are running under the same domain but different paths within that domain. When a user signs into Hub, they don't have to individually sign in to other applications on the domain provided that those applications are integrated with the Hub mechanism. This requires software development effort on behalf of the application installer or application developer. Hub provides a solution to a different problem from that addressed by cross domain single sign-on solutions such as OpenID, wherein a user will typically have to sign in to domain individually, but is at least able to do so using a single set of identifying credentials. === Further reading For more information about Hub, please see: * http://hub.pond.org.uk/ For more information about Ruby On Rails, please see: * http://www.rubyonrails.org/ For more software from Hipposoft, please visit: * http://hipposoft.pond.org.uk/