class UserNotifier < ActionMailer::Base helper :application EMAIL_PLAIN_TEXT_LINE_WIDTH = 70 # Return a string formatted according to e-mail text width resrtrictions. # def self.formatted( text ) # The strange 'extend' stuff is a way of calling through to a helper. ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper ).word_wrap( text, :line_width => EMAIL_PLAIN_TEXT_LINE_WIDTH ) end def signup_notification(user) setup_mail( user, "[#{INSTITUTION_NAME_SHORT}] Please activate your new web site account", url_for(:controller => :account, :action => :activate, :id => user.activation_code, :protocol => 'https') ) end def activation(user) setup_mail( user, "[#{INSTITUTION_NAME_SHORT}] Your web site account has been activated", root_url() ) end def forgot_password(user) setup_mail( user, "[#{INSTITUTION_NAME_SHORT}] Request to change a web site account password", url_for(:controller => :account, :action => :reset_password, :id => user.password_reset_code, :protocol => 'https') ) end def reset_password(user) setup_mail( user, "[#{INSTITUTION_NAME_SHORT}] Your web site account password has been reset", EMAIL_ADMIN ) end def destruction(user) setup_mail( user, "[#{INSTITUTION_NAME_SHORT}] Your web site account has been deleted", EMAIL_ADMIN ) end protected # Prepare for and render an e-mail message view. Pass the recipient User # object, subject text and an associated URL which will be shown in the body. # # Passes parameter 'url' through as local "@url" through to the view. # def setup_mail( user, subject, url ) subject subject from EMAIL_ADMIN recipients sent_on content_type 'text/plain' body render( :file => "user_notifier/#{ action_name }.txt.erb", :body => { :url => url } ) end end