Account control panel

The <%= INSTITUTION_NAME_LONG %> web site asks its users to create accounts if they want to do things like make forum posts or comment on news articles. Currently available account management options are listed below.

<% if hubssolib_logged_in? -%> <% else -%> <% end -%>
<%= make_action_link('account', 'logout', 80, 80, 'Log out') %>    <%= make_action_link('account', 'change_password', 80, 80, 'Change
password') %>
   <%= make_action_link('account', 'change_details', 80, 80, 'Update
details') %>
   <%= make_protected_action_link('account', 'delete', nil, 'Delete
account') %>
<%= make_action_link('account', 'login', 80, 80, 'Log in') %>    <%= make_action_link('account', 'forgot_password', 80, 80, 'Forgotten
password?') %>
   <%= make_action_link('account', 'signup', 80, 80, 'Sign up!') %>
<% if hubssolib_logged_in? && hubssolib_authorized?('list', AccountController) -%>

Administrative options:

<%= make_action_link('account', 'list', 80, 80, 'List accounts') %>    <%= make_action_link('account', 'enumerate', 80, 80, 'Active users') %>
<% end -%>