class Page < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :web has_many :revisions, :order => 'id', :dependent => :destroy has_many :wiki_references, :order => 'referenced_name' has_one :current_revision, :class_name => 'Revision', :order => 'id DESC' def name read_attribute(:name).as_utf8 end def revise(content, name, time, author, renderer) revisions_size = new_record? ? 0 : revisions.size if (revisions_size > 0) and content == current_revision.content and name == raise "You have tried to save page '#{name}' without changing its content") end = name author = unless author.is_a?(Author) # 2011-03-12 (ADH): Assumption of Textile processing; patch inter-page # links expressed as Textile links not Wiki links, so # that Instiki's references mechanism recognises them # and pages are less likely to be erroneously declared # to be orphans. # content = patch_interpage_textile_links( content ) # Try to render content to make sure that markup engine can take it, renderer.revision = :page => self, :content => content, :author => author, :revised_at => time) renderer.display_content(update_references = true) # A user may change a page, look at it and make some more changes - several times. # Not to record every such iteration as a new revision, if the previous revision was done # by the same author, not more than 30 minutes ago, then update the last revision instead of # creating a new one if (revisions_size > 0) && continous_revision?(time, author) current_revision.update_attributes(:content => content, :revised_at => time) else => content, :author => author, :revised_at => time) end save self end def rollback(revision_number, time, author_ip, renderer) roll_back_revision = self.revisions[revision_number] if roll_back_revision.nil? raise"Revision #{revision_number} not found") end author =, author_ip) revise(roll_back_revision.content,, time, author, renderer) end def revisions? revisions.size > 1 end def previous_revision(revision) revision_index = revisions.each_with_index do |rev, index| if == break index else nil end end if revision_index.nil? or revision_index == 0 nil else revisions[revision_index - 1] end end def references end def wiki_words { |ref| ref.wiki_word? }.map { |ref| ref.referenced_name } end def categories { |ref| ref.category? }.map { |ref| ref.referenced_name } end def linked_from end def redirects { |ref| ref.redirected_page? }.map { |ref| ref.referenced_name } end def included_from end # Returns the original wiki-word name as separate words, so "MyPage" becomes "My Page". def plain_name web.brackets_only? ? name.escapeHTML.html_safe : WikiWords.separate(name).escapeHTML.html_safe end LOCKING_PERIOD = 30.minutes def lock(time, locked_by) update_attributes(:locked_at => time, :locked_by => locked_by) end def lock_duration(time) ((time - locked_at) / 60).to_i unless locked_at.nil? end def unlock update_attribute(:locked_at, nil) end def locked?(comparison_time) locked_at + LOCKING_PERIOD > comparison_time unless locked_at.nil? end def to_param name.as_utf8 end private def continous_revision?(time, author) ( == author) && (revised_at + 30.minutes > time) end # Forward method calls to the current revision, so the page responds to all revision calls def method_missing(method_id, *args, &block) method_name = method_id.to_s # Perform a hand-off to AR::Base#method_missing if @attributes.include?(method_name) or md = /(=|\?|_before_type_cast)$/.match(method_name) super(method_id, *args, &block) else current_revision.send(method_id) end end # 2011-03-12 (ADH): Patch for Textile based wiki code. # # Some people use Textile links to refer to pages within the Wiki, perhaps # because they're unaware of the "[[Page name|Visible text]]" alias syntax. # This means that the Wiki may think a page is an orphan, with no links to # it, because there *are* links but they're in Textile format, not in Wiki # reference format. # # This method takes a string and returns a reasonably robustly processed # equivalent which has any Textile links which look like inter-page # references replaced by Wiki syntax equivalents on the "[[link|alias]]" # form. Typically, you pass the body text for entire revision in here. # # Heavily obfuscated Textile links, e.g. those which might specify an # absolute URL path from the document root or even including a host name # but still ultimately point to another page within the Wiki, will not be # replaced. So if users try hard enough, they can still break things! # unless defined? TEXTILE_LINK_PATTERN # In TEXTILE_ALIAS_PATTERN_START, we want it anchored to the start of a # line but a