require 'hpricot' require 'xhtmldiff' # Temporary class containing all rendering stuff from a Revision # I want to shift all rendering loguc to the controller eventually class PageRenderer def self.setup_url_generator(url_generator) @@url_generator = url_generator end def self.teardown_url_generator @@url_generator = nil end attr_reader :revision def initialize(revision = nil) self.revision = revision end def revision=(r) @revision = r @display_content = @display_published = @wiki_words_cache = @wiki_includes_cache = @wiki_references_cache = nil end def display_content(update_references = false) @display_content ||= render(:update_references => update_references) end def display_content_for_export render :mode => :export end def display_published @display_published ||= render(:mode => :publish) end def display_diff previous_revision = if previous_revision # Pass one: Normal Instiki behaviour previous_content = "
" +, @@url_generator).render!.to_s + "
" current_content = "
" + display_content.to_s + "
" diff_doc = div ='div', nil, {:respect_whitespace =>:all}) div.attributes['class'] = 'xhtmldiff_wrapper' diff_doc << div begin # Allow exceptions here. We expect them from REXML. parsed_previous_revision = REXML::XPath.first(, '/div')) parsed_display_content = REXML::XPath.first(, '/div')) hd = Diff::LCS.traverse_balanced(parsed_previous_revision, parsed_display_content, hd) diffs = '' diff_doc.write(diffs, -1, true, true) diffs.gsub(/\A
(.*)<\/div>\Z/m, '\1').gsub(/(]+?)\s*?\/>/, "\\1>
").html_safe rescue # To reach here, REXML probably complained. Users probably wrote HTML # in the page, but the markup was invalid XHTML - forgetting to close # "
  • " tags is a common example. So, try the diff again, this time # using Hpricot as a wrapper around the post-processed content to try # and sanitise the markup at the possible expense of correctness. begin previous_content = "
    " + Hpricot(, @@url_generator).render!.to_s).to_s + "
    " current_content = "
    " + Hpricot(display_content.to_s).to_s + "
    " parsed_previous_revision = REXML::XPath.first(, '/div')) parsed_display_content = REXML::XPath.first(, '/div')) hd = Diff::LCS.traverse_balanced(parsed_previous_revision, parsed_display_content, hd) diffs = "

    Warning: The current and/or previous revision contained markup errors which prevented proper diff analysis. A guess at markup correction has been made but the diff may not be a truly accurate reflection of the real changes.

    " diff_doc.write(diffs, -1, true, true) diffs.gsub(/\A
    (.*)<\/div>\Z/m, '\1').gsub(/(]+?)\s*?\/>/, "\\1>
    ").html_safe rescue # Further exceptions indicate a lost cause! "

    The current and/or previous revision contain invalid markup which is too broken for the diff parser to understand.

    ".html_safe end end else display_content end end attr :s5_theme def s5_theme=(s) @s5_theme = s end # Renders an S5 slideshow def display_s5 @display_s5 ||= render(:mode => :s5, :engine_opts => {:author => @author, :title => @plain_name}, :renderer => self) end # Returns an array of all the WikiIncludes present in the content of this revision. def wiki_includes unless @wiki_includes_cache chunks = display_content.find_chunks(Include) @wiki_includes_cache = { |c| ( c.escaped? ? nil : c.page_name ) }.compact.uniq end @wiki_includes_cache end # Returns an array of all the WikiReferences present in the content of this revision. def wiki_references unless @wiki_references_cache chunks = display_content.find_chunks(WikiChunk::WikiReference) @wiki_references_cache = { |c| ( c.escaped? ? nil : c.page_name ) }.compact.uniq end @wiki_references_cache end # Returns an array of all the WikiWords present in the content of this revision. def wiki_words @wiki_words_cache ||= find_wiki_words(display_content) end def find_wiki_words(rendering_result) the_wiki_words = wiki_links(rendering_result) # Exclude backslash-escaped wiki words, such as \WikiWord, as well as links to files # and pictures, such as [[foo.txt:file]] or [[foo.jpg:pic]] the_wiki_words.delete_if { |link| link.escaped? or [:pic, :file, :audio, :video, :delete].include?(link.link_type) } # convert to the list of unique page names { |link| ( link.page_name ) }.uniq end # Returns an array of all the WikiWords present in the content of this revision. def wiki_files @wiki_files_cache ||= find_wiki_files(display_content) end def find_wiki_files(rendering_result) the_wiki_files = wiki_links(rendering_result) the_wiki_files.delete_if { |link| ![:pic, :file, :audio, :video].include?(link.link_type) } { |link| ( link.page_name ) }.uniq end def wiki_links(rendering_result) rendering_result.find_chunks(WikiChunk::WikiLink) end # Returns an array of all the WikiWords present in the content of this revision. # that already exists as a page in the web. def existing_pages { |wiki_word| } end # Returns an array of all the WikiWords present in the content of this revision # that *doesn't* already exists as a page in the web. def unexisting_pages wiki_words - existing_pages end private def render(options = {}) rendering_result =, @@url_generator, options).render! update_references(rendering_result) if options[:update_references] rendering_result end def update_references(rendering_result) WikiReference.delete_all ['page_id = ?', @revision.page_id] references = wiki_words = find_wiki_words(rendering_result) # TODO it may be desirable to save links to files and pictures as WikiReference objects # present version doesn't do it wiki_words.each do |referenced_name| # Links to self are always considered linked if referenced_name == link_type = WikiReference::LINKED_PAGE else link_type = WikiReference.link_type(, referenced_name) end :referenced_name => referenced_name, :link_type => link_type end wiki_files = find_wiki_files(rendering_result) wiki_files.each do |referenced_name| :referenced_name => referenced_name, :link_type => WikiReference::FILE end include_chunks = rendering_result.find_chunks(Include) includes = { |c| ( c.escaped? ? nil : c.page_name ) }.compact.uniq includes.each do |included_page_name| :referenced_name => included_page_name, :link_type => WikiReference::INCLUDED_PAGE end redirect_chunks = rendering_result.find_chunks(Redirect) redirects = { |c| ( c.escaped? ? nil : c.page_name ) }.compact.uniq redirects.each do |redirected_page_name| :referenced_name => redirected_page_name, :link_type => WikiReference::REDIRECTED_PAGE end # ugly hack: store these in a thread-local variable, so that the cache-sweeper has access to it. Thread.current[:page_redirects] ? Thread.current[:page_redirects].update({ => redirects}) : Thread.current[:page_redirects] = { => redirects} categories = rendering_result.find_chunks(Category).map { |cat| cat.list }.flatten categories.each do |category| :referenced_name => category, :link_type => WikiReference::CATEGORY end end end