== Requirements * Ruby >= 1.8.2 (http://www.ruby-lang.org) * RubyGems (http://rubygems.rubyforge.org) * SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL with Ruby bindings == Installation 1. Install rails: gem install rails --include-dependencies 2. Download the RForum package from http://rforum.andreas-s.net and extract it. 3. Edit config/database.yml for your database. If you have SQLite installed you can keep the default values for testing purposes. 4. Setup the database tables: RAILS_ENV=production rake migrate 5. Copy config/default_site.rb to config/site.rb and edit it. 6. Start the built-in webserver: RAILS_ENV=production script/server or set up FastCGI as described in the Rails documentation: http://rails.rubyonrails.com/files/README.html 7. Go to http://your-host:3000/user/register, register yourself as a new user and give the new user administrator privileges: RAILS_ENV=production script/make_admin username 8. Look up your password in the registration mail and log in to create forums.