module ActionView include ERB::Util class Base def render_file(template_path, use_full_path = true, local_assigns = {}) # ---- Begin personal additions to Rails core # First, make sure this partial doesn't already exist as a mod (only supports .rhtml right now) if FileTest.exists?( "#{RAILS_ROOT}/modules/views/#{template_path}.rhtml" ) template_path = "../../modules/views/#{template_path}" end # ---- End personal additions to rails core @first_render = template_path if @first_render.nil? if use_full_path template_extension = pick_template_extension(template_path) template_file_name = full_template_path(template_path, template_extension) else template_file_name = template_path template_extension = template_path.split(".").last end # If we were to inject into the source, I beleive we would do it here template_source = read_template_file(template_file_name, template_extension) begin render_template(template_extension, template_source, template_file_name, local_assigns) rescue Exception => e if TemplateError === e e.sub_template_of(template_file_name) raise e else raise, template_file_name, @assigns, template_source, e) end end end end end