class ActiveRecord::Base def check_mandatory_atributes(*attributes) attributes.each do |attr| value = self.send(attr.to_sym) if value.nil? or value.to_s.empty? raise"Mandatory attribute #{attr} is not set") end end end # Returns the first row retrieved by find_by_sql(query). # Raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound if no rows were found def self.find_first_by_sql(query) result = find_by_sql(query) if result.empty? raise"Couldn't find #{self} specified by query") end return result.first end # Checks if a string may be a real email or not def valid_email?(email) email.size < 100 && email =~ /.@.+\../ && email.count('@') == 1 end end class ActiveRecord::Errors # Duplicate check def add_on_duplicate(attributes, msg = 'with same value already exists') # if this save is an update, not a create, then duplicate name/email check should obviously # exclude the existing record that is being updated not_same_id_clause = '' not_same_id_clause = "AND id <> #{}" unless @base.new_record? [attributes].flatten.each { |attr| if @base.class.find_first ["#{attr} = '%s' #{not_same_id_clause}", @base[attr]] add(attr, msg) end } end end # All model classes must raise RForum::ValidationError on errors by including this # mixin. If after_validation is overriden in the class, it should call the mixin # version like this: # # alias :error_raising_after_validation :after_validation # ... # def after_validation # ... # ... validations, no return from the middle ... # ... # error_raising_before_validation_on_create # end # Error class to raise on errors in validate module RForum class ValidationError < StandardError attr_reader :entity def initialize(entity) @entity = entity end def errors @entity.errors end def message s = "Problems with #{@entity.class} ##{ || 'nil'} :\n" @entity.errors.each { |attr, msg| s << " #{attr} : #{msg} (value: #{@entity.send(attr.to_sym) || 'nil'})\n" } s end def to_s "#{self.class} : #{message}" end end end # If this module is included in an AR class, RForum::ValidationError is raised # after validation if there were any validation errors. module ErrorRaising def after_validation raise unless self.errors.empty? end end