--- available_forums: Available Forums no_forums_available: No active forums. last_post: Last post number_of_topics: Topics number_of_posts: Posts posts: Posts nav_forum_list: Forum List nav_create_topic: New Topic nav_search: Search nav_log_in: Log In nav_log_out: Log Out [%s] nav_settings: User settings nav_register: Register nav_user_list: User List posted_by: Posted by posted_on: "on" attachment: Attachment attachment_too_large: The attached file is too large. attachment_not_found: Sorry, the requested attachment is no longer available. postmenu_reply_to: Reply with quote postmenu_move_topic: Move postmenu_delete_post: Delete postmenu_undelete_post: Undelete postmenu_delete_topic: Delete topic postmenu_undelete_topic: Undelete topic postmenu_edit_post: Edit delete_post_confirmation_prompt: Are you sure you want to delete this post? undelete_post_confirmation_prompt: Are you sure you want to undelete this post? delete_topic_confirmation_prompt: Are you sure you want to delete this topic? undelete_topic_confirmation_prompt: Are you sure you want to undelete this topic? move_topic_to: 'Move topic "%s" from forum "%s" to:' deleted_post: deleted deleted_topic: deleted user_information: User information user_settings: User settings user_name: User name user_firstname: Firstname user_surname: Surname user_email: Email address user_registered_at: Registered since user_number_of_posts: Posts create_user_account: Register new account register: Register change_settings: Change settings actions: Actions user_name_invalid: Please enter a user name of 3 to 15 characters, that may be letters, digits or minus sign ('-') user_email_invalid: Please enter a valid email address. user_firstname_invalid: Please enter your first name (2 to 20 characters). user_surname_invalid: Please enter your surname (2 to 20 characters). user_name_duplicate: Account with this user name already exists. user_email_duplicate: An account for your email address already exists. registration_complete_text: Thank you for your registration. In the next few minutes you should receive an email with the registration details. To activate your account, please log in at least once within the next 7 days. Otherwise the account will be again removed. registration_email_sent: Email was sent to %s send_user_message: Send message to user log_in_for_user_message: Please log in first. user_message_submit: Send user_message_empty: Please enter a message. user_message_sent: Your message was sent to the user. user_message_from: Message from user %s login_no_account: No account? login_register_here: Register here. login_existing_account: Existing account login_user_name: User login_password: Password login_submit: Login login_failed: Login failed i_forgot_my_password: I forgot my password no_user_with_this_name: "A user with this name couldn't be found." reset_password_subject: Your password request formerror_no_guest_name: Please enter your name or log in. formerror_invalid_email: Please enter a valid email address. formerror_subject_short: Please enter a longer subject. formerror_subject_long: The subject is too long. formerror_text_short: Please enter a longer text. formerror_text_long: The text you entered is too long. formerror_too_many_quoted_lines: Please reduce the number of quoted lines. formerror_text_cannot_be_formatted: "Text formatter reported an error: %s" new_post_in_thread: "New post in thread '%s'" welcome_to: "Welcome to %s" old_password: Old password new_password: New password retype_password: Retype password change_password: Change password wrong_password: Incorrect password. Please re-enter retyped_password_mismatch: Retyped password did not match. Please re-enter password_too_short: The password must be at least 6 characters long. please_enter_value: Please enter a value security_access_denied: You are not allowed to access the page you requested. block_ip: Block IP block_ip_confirm: Block IP %s? received_by_mail: Received via mailing list subscribe_topic: Enable email notification unsubscribe_topic: Disable email notification no_users_registered: No users registered. no_forums_to_search: There are no forums to search. search_for: "Search for:" search_in_forums: "Search in:" search_help_1: "Whole words will be matched against your search query. To match partial words, use '*' as a wildcard." search_help_2: "Hold the Control or Command key to select multiple forums from the list." search_no_result: Nothing found. create_forum_title: Create Forum forum_list_title: Forum List user_list_title: Registered Users register_title: Register search_title: Search login_title: Log In create_topic_title: New Topic registration_complete_title: Registration complete user_settings_title: User Settings move_topic_title: Move Topic feed_description_global: New posts in all forums feed_description_forum: New posts in this forum feed_description_topic: New posts in this topic forum_is_empty: There are no posts in this forum. yesterday: yesterday seconds_ago: %d seconds ago minutes_ago: %d minutes ago hours_ago: %d hours ago days_ago: %d days ago by: by