module ReceivedMail def from_guest? User.find_by_email(self.from.first.downcase) == nil end def from_unauthorized_user? User.find_by_email(self.from.first.downcase).sends_email == 0 end def author if user = User.find_by_email(self.from.first.downcase) return user else name = TMail::Address.parse(self['from'].to_s).phrase name = TMail::Unquoter.unquote_and_convert_to(name, 'utf-8') if name.nil? || name.size < 2 name = 'unknown' end email = self.from.first return, email) end end def parent if self.references.nil? and self.in_reply_to.nil? return nil end if self['in-reply-to'] if self.in_reply_to.first parent_messageid = self.in_reply_to.first else # TMail fails to parse in-reply-to headers where <> is missing, # so we do it manually here parent_messageid = self['in-reply-to'].phrases.first end else parent_messageid = self.references.reverse.first end parent_messageid ='<>', '') if post = Post.find_by_messageid(parent_messageid) return post else if self.cleaned_subject =~ /^Re:/i raise 'parent not found' else # if no parent is found and subject is no reply, treat as new topic return nil end end end def forum (( || []) | ( || [])).each do |address| if forum = Forum.find_by_list_address(address.downcase) return forum end end raise "mail for unknown forum received (#{})" end def create_post if Post.find_by_messageid('<>', '')) raise 'messageid : has already been taken' end if self.parent self.parent.add_reply(self.to_post) else end end def to_post post = post.subject = self.cleaned_subject post.text = self.cleaned_text = post.post_method = 'mail' post.messageid ='<>', '') post end def cleaned_subject s = self.subject # remove first [tag] from subject s.sub!(/\[.+?\] ?/, '') s.strip! if s.size == 0 s = '(no subject)' end s end def remove_signature(s) s = s.dup s.gsub!(/\n--(\n.+){0,3}\s*\Z/, '') s.gsub!(/\n-- (\n.+){0,6}\s*\Z/, '') s.gsub!(/\n-----+(\n.+){0,6}\s*\Z/, '') s.gsub!(/\n______+(\n.+){0,6}\s*\Z/, '') s end def cleaned_text s = self.plaintext_body s = remove_signature(s) # remove TOFU s.gsub!(/(\n>.*)+\s*\Z/, '') if $1 # remove "xy wrote:" s.gsub!(/\s*\n.*wrote.*:\s*\Z/, '') end # remove attached "original message" s.gsub!(/\s*\n-+Original Message-+.*$/m, '') # remove too long quoting s.gsub!(/^(>.*\n)+?((>+.*\n){10})\s*/, '\3') s.strip! s end def plaintext_body if self.multipart? # look for multipart/alternative parts alternative_parts = {|p| not p.content_type =~ /^multipart/ } interesting_parts = ( rescue []) + plaintext_parts = interesting_parts.reject {|p| p.content_type != 'text/plain' } raise "couln't find a text/plain mime part" if plaintext_parts.empty? plaintext_parts.first.body else raise "body is not text/plain" unless self.content_type = 'text/plain' self.body end end end