class Admin::CategoriesController < Admin::BaseController def index list render_action 'list' end def list @categories = Category.find(:all, :order => :position) end def show @category = Category.find(params[:id]) end def new @category =[:category]) if and flash[:notice] = 'Category was successfully created.' else flash[:error] = 'Category could not be created.' end redirect_to :action => 'list' end def edit @category = Category.find(params[:id]) @category.attributes = params[:category] if and flash[:notice] = 'Category was successfully updated.' redirect_to :action => 'list' end end def destroy @category = Category.find(params[:id]) if @category.destroy redirect_to :action => 'list' end end def order Category.reorder(params[:category_list]) render :nothing => true end def asort Category.reorder_alpha category_container end def category_container @categories = Category.find(:all, :order => :position) render :partial => "categories" end def reorder @categories = Category.find(:all, :order => :position) render :layout => false end end