class Admin::GeneralController < Admin::BaseController def index if this_blog.base_url.blank? this_blog.base_url = blog_base_url end @page_cache_size = PageCache.count end def redirect flash[:notice] = "Please review and save the settings before continuing" redirect_to :action => "index" end def update_database @current_version = Migrator.current_schema_version @needed_version = Migrator.max_schema_version @support = Migrator.db_supports_migrations? @needed_migrations = Migrator.available_migrations[@current_version..@needed_version].collect do |mig| mig.scan(/\d+\_([\w_]+)\.rb$/).flatten.first.humanize end end def migrate if Migrator.migrate redirect_to :action => 'update_database' end end def update if Blog.transaction do params[:setting].each { |k,v| this_blog.send("#{k.to_s}=", v) } flash[:notice] = 'config updated.' end redirect_to :action => 'index' end end private end