module ArticlesHelper include SidebarHelper def admin_tools_for(model) type = model.class.to_s.downcase tag = [] tag << content_tag("div", link_to_remote('nuke', { :url => { :action => "nuke_#{type}", :id => model }, :complete => visual_effect(:puff, "#{type}-I#{}", :duration => 0.6), :confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete this #{type}?" }, :class => "admintools") << link_to('edit', { :controller => "admin/#{type.pluralize}", :article_id =>, :action => "edit", :id => model }, :class => "admintools"), :id => "admin_#{type}_#{}", :style => "display: none") tag.join(" | ") end def onhover_show_admin_tools(type, id = nil) tag = [] tag << %{ onmouseover="if (getCookie('typoapp_is_admin') == 'yes') {'admin_#{[type, id].compact.join('_')}'); }" } tag << %{ onmouseout="Element.hide('admin_#{[type, id].compact.join('_')}');" } tag end def render_errors(obj) return "" unless obj tag = unless obj.errors.empty? tag << %{" end tag end def page_title blog_name = this_blog.blog_name || "Typo" if @page_title # this is where the page title prefix (string) should go (this_blog.title_prefix == 1 ? blog_name + " : " : '') + @page_title + (this_blog.title_prefix == 2 ? " : " + blog_name : '') else blog_name end end def page_header page_header_includes = contents.collect { |c| c.whiteboard }.collect do |w| {|k,v| k =~ /^page_header_/}.collect do |(k,v)| v = v.chomp # trim the same number of spaces from the beginning of each line # this way plugins can indent nicely without making ugly source output spaces = /\A[ \t]*/.match(v)[0].gsub(/\t/, " ") v.gsub!(/^#{spaces}/, ' ') # add 2 spaces to line up with the assumed position of the surrounding tags end end.flatten.uniq ( <<-HTML #{ meta_tag 'ICBM', this_blog.geourl_location unless this_blog.geourl_location.empty? } #{ javascript_include_tag "cookies" } #{ javascript_include_tag "prototype" } #{ javascript_include_tag "effects" } #{ javascript_include_tag "typo" } #{ page_header_includes.join("\n") } HTML ).chomp end def article_links(article) returning code = [] do code << category_links(article) unless article.categories.empty? code << tag_links(article) unless article.tags.empty? code << comments_link(article) if article.allow_comments? code << trackbacks_link(article) if article.allow_pings? end.join(" | ") end def category_links(article) "Posted in " + { |c| link_to h(, c.permalink_url, :rel => 'tag'}.join(", ") end def tag_links(article) "Tags " + { |tag| link_to tag.display_name, tag.permalink_url, :rel => "tag"}.sort.join(", ") end def author_link(article) if this_blog.link_to_author and article.user and>0 "#{h}" elsif article.user and>0 h else h end end def next_link(article) n = return n ? n.link_to_permalink("#{n.title} »") : '' end def prev_link(article) p = article.previous return p ? n.link_to_permalink("« #{p.title}") : '' end def render_to_string(*args, &block) controller.send(:render_to_string, *args, &block) end # Generate the image tag for a commenters gravatar based on their email address # Valid options are described at def gravatar_tag(email, options={}) options.update(:gravatar_id => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email.strip)) options[:default] = CGI::escape(options[:default]) if options.include?(:default) options[:size] ||= 60 image_tag("" << { |key,value| "#{key}=#{value}" }.sort.join("&"), :class => "gravatar") end def calc_distributed_class(articles, max_articles, grp_class, min_class, max_class) (grp_class.to_prefix rescue grp_class.to_s) + ((max_articles == 0) ? min_class.to_s : (min_class + ((max_class-min_class) * articles.to_f / max_articles).to_i).to_s) end def link_to_grouping(grp) link_to( grp.display_name, urlspec_for_grouping(grp), :rel => "tag", :title => title_for_grouping(grp) ) end def urlspec_for_grouping(grouping) { :controller => "/articles", :action => grouping.class.to_prefix, :id => grouping.permalink } end def title_for_grouping(grouping) "#{pluralize(grouping.article_counter, 'post')} with #{grouping.class.to_s.underscore} '#{grouping.display_name}'" end def ul_tag_for(grouping_class) case when grouping_class == Tag %{