require 'uri' require 'net/http' class Article < Content include TypoGuid content_fields :body, :extended has_many :pings, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "created_at ASC" has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "created_at ASC" has_many :trackbacks, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "created_at ASC" has_many :resources, :order => "created_at DESC", :class_name => "Resource", :foreign_key => 'article_id' has_many :categorizations has_many :categories, :through => :categorizations, :uniq => true do def push_with_attributes(cat, join_attrs = { :is_primary => false }) Categorization.with_scope(:create => join_attrs) { self << cat } end end has_and_belongs_to_many :tags, :foreign_key => 'article_id' belongs_to :user has_many :triggers, :as => :pending_item after_destroy :fix_resources def stripped_title self.title.gsub(/<[^>]*>/,'').to_url end def permalink_url(anchor=nil, only_path=true) @cached_permalink_url ||= {} @cached_permalink_url["#{anchor}#{only_path}"] ||= blog.url_for( :year => published_at.year, :month => sprintf("%.2d", published_at.month), :day => sprintf("%.2d",, :title => permalink, :anchor => anchor, :only_path => only_path, :controller => '/articles' ) end def trackback_url blog.url_for(:controller => "articles", :action =>"trackback", :id => id) end def feed_url(format = :rss20) blog.url_for(:controller => 'xml', :action => 'feed', :type => 'article', :format => format, :id => id) end def edit_url blog.url_for(:controller => "/admin/content", :action =>"edit", :id => id) end def delete_url blog.url_for(:controller => "/admin/content", :action =>"destroy", :id => id) end def html_urls urls = html.gsub(/]*>/) do |tag| if(tag =~ /href="([^"]+)"/) urls.push($1) end end urls.uniq end def really_send_pings(serverurl = blog.base_url, articleurl = nil) return unless blog.send_outbound_pings articleurl ||= permalink_url(nil, false) weblogupdatesping_urls = blog.ping_urls.gsub(/ +/,'').split(/[\n\r]+/) pingback_or_trackback_urls = self.html_urls ping_urls = weblogupdatesping_urls + pingback_or_trackback_urls ping_urls.uniq.each do |url| begin unless pings.collect { |p| p.url }.include?(url.strip) ping ="url" => url) if weblogupdatesping_urls.include?(url) ping.send_weblogupdatesping(serverurl, articleurl) elsif pingback_or_trackback_urls.include?(url) ping.send_pingback_or_trackback(articleurl) end end rescue Exception => e logger.error(e) # in case the remote server doesn't respond or gives an error, # we should throw an xmlrpc error here. end end end def send_pings state.send_pings(self) end def next blog.articles.find(:first, :conditions => ['published_at > ?', published_at], :order => 'published_at asc') end def previous blog.articles.find(:first, :conditions => ['published_at < ?', published_at], :order => 'published_at desc') end # Count articles on a certain date def self.count_by_date(year, month = nil, day = nil, limit = nil) from, to = self.time_delta(year, month, day) Article.count(["published_at BETWEEN ? AND ? AND published = ?", from, to, true]) end # Find all articles on a certain date def self.find_all_by_date(year, month = nil, day = nil) from, to = self.time_delta(year, month, day) Article.find_published(:all, :conditions => ["published_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", from, to]) end # Find one article on a certain date def self.find_by_date(year, month, day) find_all_by_date(year, month, day).first end # Finds one article which was posted on a certain date and matches the supplied dashed-title def self.find_by_permalink(year, month, day, title) from, to = self.time_delta(year, month, day) find_published(:first, :conditions => ['permalink = ? AND ' + 'published_at BETWEEN ? AND ?', title, from, to ]) end # Fulltext searches the body of published articles def if !query.to_s.strip.empty? tokens = query.split.collect {|c| "%#{c.downcase}%"} find_published(:all, :conditions => [(["(LOWER(body) LIKE ? OR LOWER(extended) LIKE ? OR LOWER(title) LIKE ?)"] * tokens.size).join(" AND "), *tokens.collect { |token| [token] * 3 }.flatten]) else [] end end def keywords_to_tags Article.transaction do tags.clear keywords.to_s.scan(/((['"]).*?\2|[\.\w]+)/).collect do |x|"\"'", '') end.uniq.each do |tagword| tags << Tag.get(tagword) end end end def interested_users User.find_boolean(:all, :notify_on_new_articles) end def notify_user_via_email(user) if user.notify_via_email? EmailNotify.send_article(self, user) end end def notify_user_via_jabber(user) if user.notify_via_jabber? JabberNotify.send_message(user, "New post", "A new message was posted to #{blog.blog_name}", html(:body)) end end def comments_closed? if self.allow_comments? if ! and self.created_at.to_i < return true else return false end else return true end end def published_comments {|c| c.published?} end def published_trackbacks {|c| c.published?} end # Bloody rails reloading. Nasty workaround. def body=(newval) if self[:body] != newval changed self[:body] = newval end self[:body] end def body_html typo_deprecated "Use html(:body)" html(:body) end def extended=(newval) if self[:extended] != newval changed self[:extended] = newval end self[:extended] end def extended_html typo_deprecated "Use html(:extended)" html(:extended) end def self.html_map(field=nil) html_map = { :body => true, :extended => true } if field html_map[field.to_sym] else html_map end end def content_fields [:body, :extended] end protected before_create :set_defaults, :create_guid before_save :set_published_at after_save :keywords_to_tags after_create :add_notifications def set_published_at if self.published and self[:published_at].nil? self[:published_at] = self.created_at || end end def set_defaults if self.attributes.include?("permalink") and self.permalink.blank? self.permalink = self.stripped_title end if blog && self.allow_comments.nil? self.allow_comments = blog.default_allow_comments end if blog && self.allow_pings.nil? self.allow_pings = blog.default_allow_pings end true end def add_notifications self.notify_users = User.find_boolean(:all, :notify_on_new_articles) self.notify_users << self.user if (self.user.notify_watch_my_articles? rescue false) self.notify_users.uniq! end def self.time_delta(year, month = nil, day = nil) from = Time.mktime(year, month || 1, day || 1) to = from.next_year to = from.next_month unless month.blank? to = from + unless day.blank? to = to - 1 # pull off 1 second so we don't overlap onto the next day return [from, to] end def find_published(what = :all, options = {}) super(what, options) end validates_uniqueness_of :guid validates_presence_of :title private def fix_resources Resource.find(:all, :conditions => "article_id = #{id}").each do |fu| fu.article_id = nil end end end