class AddPermalink < ActiveRecord::Migration class BareArticle < ActiveRecord::Base include BareMigration def stripped_title(title) # this is a copynpaste of the routine in article.rb # so the one in article.rb can change w/o breaking this. self.title.gsub(/<[^>]*>/,'').to_url end end class BareCategory < ActiveRecord::Base include BareMigration def stripped_name # copynpaste from category.rb end end def self.up STDERR.puts "Adding categories permalink" modify_tables_and_update([:add_column, BareCategory, :permalink, :string], [:add_index, BareCategory, :permalink]) do BareCategory.find_and_update {|c| c.permalink ||= c.stripped_name } BareArticle.find_and_update {|a| a.permalink ||= a.stripped_title } end end def self.down STDERR.puts "Removing categories permalink" remove_index :categories, :permalink remove_column :categories, :permalink end end