How to use the Typo Rails installer =================================== Typo 4.0 includes an installer that makes it easy to install Typo. Quick Start ----------- Here's the short version: $ gem install typo $ typo install /var/www/my_typo_site Prerequisites ------------- You'll need the following software installed on your system: 1. Ruby 1.8.4 2. RubyGems ( 3. SWIG ( 4. SQLite 3 Most modern Unix systems should have all four of these easily available in pre-built form. Installing Typo --------------- 1. Install the Typo GEM. Run 'gem install typo'. This will install the current version of Typo along with all dependencies. 2. Create a working Typo installation in a directory somewhere. Run 'typo install DIRECTORY'. Replace DIRECTORY with the name of the directory that you want Typo to live in. This will copy all of Typo's files into DIRECTORY, create a new database for Typo to use, and start Typo running on a random port number. 3. Verify that Typo works for you. The installer will print a URL at the end of the installation process; load it in a browser to test out Typo. 4. Once you're happy with Typo's configuration, follow the directions in installer/apache.conf.example to run your Typo installation under Apache. Upgrading Typo -------------- The Typo installer can upgrade an existing installer-created Typo install by simple running 'typo install DIRECTORY'. The installer will automatically detect that it's upgrading an existing install and will attempt to preserve the existing configuration as much as possible. Starting and Stopping Typo -------------------------- To stop Typo from running, run `typo stop /path/to/typo`. To restart it, run `typo start /path/to/typo`. Since this Typo install uses Mongrel, not FastCGI, you can't depend on your web server restarting it automatically on reboot. You'll need to either create an init script or cron reboot entry to restart it, depending on your host and/or privilege level. Ask your hosting provider or the Typo mailing list ( if you need help with this. Configuration Variables ----------------------- Each Typo installation maintains a list of configuration variables. To see the list for an existing install, run 'typo config DIRECTORY'. You can change them via 'typo config DIRECTORY name1=value1 name2=value2...' For example: typo config /var/www/typo web-server=mongrel_cluster Here's a list of available configuration variables in Typo 4.0.0: ### bind-address The `bind-address` controls which IP address(es) Mongrel uses. By default, Mongrel listens for connections on all IP addresses that are in use on the server. You can restrict this by setting `bind-address`. The most useful setting is probably `bind-address=`, which will tell Mongrel to only listen to connections from the local server. ### database The `database` variable controls which Database driver Typo uses. By default, this is `sqlite`. Setting it to any other value will supress SQLite-specific upgrade and maintenance commands. ### port-number The `port-number` variable controls which TCP port Mongrel uses. By default, it's a random number between 4000 and 5000. ### rails-environment This controls which Rails environment Typo uses. This defaults to `production`; the other usable value is `development`. ### threads The `threads` variable controls how many copies of Mongrel are used when using the `mongrel_cluster` web server. Each thread listens on its own port number, so setting `threads=2` while `port-number` is 4000 will make mongrel-cluster run two copies of Mongrel, one listening on port 4000 and one on 4001. ### url-prefix The `url-prefix` variable is used to tell Typo to run in a subdirectory instead of the root of a specific URL hostname. For example, if you want Typo to live at instead of, then you'd need to set `url-prefix=/blog`. ### web-server The `web-server` variable controls which server Typo uses. By default, `web-server` is `mongrel`, but you can change it to `mongrel-cluster` or `external`. If you use `external`, then 'typo PATH start` won't start a web server of its own, and you'll have to provide your own web server. This is the easiest way to use Typo with FastCGI--just set `web-server=external` and then tweak `.htaccess`. Troubleshooting --------------- ### Tests fail with ID=0 You didn't install Swig before installing `sqlite3-ruby`. Uninstall the SQLite driver, install Swig, and then re-install `sqlite3-ruby`. ### SQLite dies with "unsupported file format" You have multiple versions of SQLite3 installed, and you're using the command-line tool from one with the library from the other. Most likely this is on OS X with Darwinports. Make sure that `/opt/local/bin` is ahead of `/usr/bin` in your path. ### MySQL fails with timeout errors Install the MySQL GEM. It's faster then Rails' default MySQL driver, and it works substantially better. ### Typo crashes randomly First, try running Typo under Webrick in the foreground to see if you can reproduce the problem. Run `RAILS_ENV=production ./script/server webrick` from your Typo directory and then see if you can get it to crash. If it dies, then open a Trac ticket ( describing the problem and include the crash message along with any relevant information from the logs. Also include which version of Ruby (ruby -v), Rails, and Typo, and which OS you're using. Generally, if Typo suddenly exiting, it's probably caused by a bad Ruby interpreter on your system.