class String # Returns a-string-with-dashes when passed 'a string with dashes'. # All special chars are stripped in the process def to_url return if self.nil?"\"'", '').gsub(/\W/, ' ').strip.tr_s(' ', '-').tr(' ', '-').sub(/^$/, "-") end # A quick and dirty fix to add 'nofollow' to any urls in a string. # Decidedly unsafe, but will have to do for now. def nofollowify self.gsub(/<\s*a\s*(.+?)>/i, '') end # Strips any html markup from a string TYPO_TAG_KEY = TYPO_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = /[\w:_-]+/ TYPO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = /(?:[A-Za-z0-9]+|(?:'[^']*?'|"[^"]*?"))/ TYPO_ATTRIBUTE = /(?:#{TYPO_ATTRIBUTE_KEY}(?:\s*=\s*#{TYPO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE})?)/ TYPO_ATTRIBUTES = /(?:#{TYPO_ATTRIBUTE}(?:\s+#{TYPO_ATTRIBUTE})*)/ TAG = %r{<[!/?\[]?(?:#{TYPO_TAG_KEY}|--)(?:\s+#{TYPO_ATTRIBUTES})?\s*(?:[!/?\]]+|--)?>} def strip_html self.gsub(TAG, '').gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip end end