require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' require 'xml_controller' require 'dns_mock' # This test now has optional support for validating the generated RSS feeds. # Since Ruby doesn't have a RSS/Atom validator, I'm using the Python source # for and calling it via 'system'. # # To install the validator, download the source from # # Then copy src/feedvalidator and src/rdflib into a Python lib directory. # Finally, copy src/ into your path as 'feedvalidator', make it executable, # and change the first line to something like '#!/usr/bin/python'. if($validator_installed == nil) $validator_installed = false begin IO.popen("feedvalidator 2> /dev/null","r") do |pipe| if ( =~ %r{Validating}) puts "Using locally installed Python feed validator" $validator_installed = true end end rescue nil end end # Re-raise errors caught by the controller. class XmlController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end class XmlControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :contents, :categories, :categorizations, :tags, :articles_tags, :users, :blogs, :resources def setup @controller = @request, @response =, Article.create!(:title => "News from the future!", :body => "The future is cool!", :keywords => "future", :created_at => + 12.minutes) end def assert_feedvalidator(rss, todo=nil) return unless $validator_installed begin file ='typo-feed-test') filename = file.path file.write(rss) file.close messages = '' IO.popen("feedvalidator file://#{filename}") do |pipe| messages = end okay, messages = parse_validator_messages(messages) if todo && ! ENV['RUN_TODO_TESTS'] assert !okay, messages + "\nTest unexpectedly passed!\nFeed text:\n"+rss else assert okay, messages + "\nFeed text:\n"+rss end end end def parse_validator_messages(message) messages=message.split(/\n/).reject do |m| m =~ /Feeds should not be served with the "text\/plain" media type/ || m =~ /Self reference doesn't match document location/ end if(messages.size > 1) [false, messages.join("\n")] else [true, ""] end end def test_feed_rss20 get :feed, :format => 'rss20', :type => 'feed' assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body, :todo assert_rss20(7) end def test_feed_rss20_comments get :feed, :format => 'rss20', :type => 'comments' assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body assert_rss20(3) end def test_feed_rss20_trackbacks get :feed, :format => 'rss20', :type => 'trackbacks' assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body assert_rss20(3) end def test_feed_rss20_article get :feed, :format => 'rss20', :type => 'article', :id => 1 assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body, :todo assert_rss20(2) end def test_feed_rss20_category get :feed, :format => 'rss20', :type => 'category', :id => 'personal' assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body, :todo assert_rss20(3) end def test_feed_rss20_tag get :feed, :format => 'rss20', :type => 'tag', :id => 'foo' assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body, :todo assert_rss20(2) end def test_feed_atom10_feed get :feed, :format => 'atom10', :type => 'feed' assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body assert_equal(assigns(:items).sort { |a, b| b.created_at <=> a.created_at }, assigns(:items)) assert_atom10(7) end def test_feed_atom10_comments get :feed, :format => 'atom10', :type => 'comments' assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body assert_equal(assigns(:items).sort { |a, b| b.created_at <=> a.created_at }, assigns(:items)) assert_atom10(3) assert_xpath('//title[@type="html"]') end def test_feed_atom10_trackbacks get :feed, :format => 'atom10', :type => 'trackbacks' assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body assert_equal(assigns(:items).sort { |a, b| b.created_at <=> a.created_at }, assigns(:items)) assert_atom10(3) assert_xpath('//title[@type="html"]') assert_xpath('//summary', "Trackback entry has no summaries") end def test_feed_atom10_article get :feed, :format => 'atom10', :type => 'article', :id => 1 assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body assert_equal(assigns(:items).sort { |a, b| b.created_at <=> a.created_at }, assigns(:items)) assert_atom10(2) end def test_feed_atom10_category get :feed, :format => 'atom10', :type => 'category', :id => 'personal' assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body assert_equal(assigns(:items).sort { |a, b| b.created_at <=> a.created_at }, assigns(:items)) assert_atom10(3) end def test_feed_atom10_tag get :feed, :format => 'atom10', :type => 'tag', :id => 'foo' assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body assert_equal(assigns(:items).sort { |a, b| b.created_at <=> a.created_at }, assigns(:items)) assert_atom10(2) end def test_articlerss get :articlerss, :id => 1 assert_response :redirect end def test_commentrss get :commentrss, :id => 1 assert_response :redirect end def test_trackbackrss get :trackbackrss, :id => 1 assert_response :redirect end def test_bad_format get :feed, :format => 'atom04', :type => 'feed' assert_response :missing end def test_bad_type get :feed, :format => 'rss20', :type => 'foobar' assert_response :missing end def test_pubdate_conformance get :feed, :format => 'rss20', :type => 'feed' assert_response :success assert_equal contents(:article2).created_at.rfc822, get_xpath('/rss/channel/item[title="Article 2!"]/pubDate').first.text end def test_rsd get :rsd, :id => 1 assert_response :success assert_nothing_raised do assert end end def test_extended_rss20 set_extended_on_rss true get :feed, :format => 'rss20', :type => 'feed' assert_response :success assert_match /extended content/, @response.body @controller = set_extended_on_rss false get :feed, :format => 'rss20', :type => 'feed' assert_response :success assert_no_match /extended content/, @response.body end def test_atom03 get :feed, :format => 'atom03', :type => 'feed' assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to :format => 'atom' end def test_extended_atom10 set_extended_on_rss true get :feed, :format => 'atom10', :type => 'feed' assert_response :success assert_match /extended content/, @response.body assert_not_equal 0, get_xpath(%{//summary]}).size, "Extended feed has no summaries" assert_not_equal 0, get_xpath(%{//content]}).size, "Extended feed has no content" @controller = set_extended_on_rss false get :feed, :format => 'atom10', :type => 'feed' assert_response :success assert_no_match /extended content/, @response.body assert_not_equal 0, get_xpath(%{//summary]}).size, "Non-Extended feed has no summaries" assert_equal 0, get_xpath(%{//content]}).size, "Non-extended feed has content" end def test_xml_atom10 get :feed, :format => 'atom10', :type => 'feed' assert_response :success # titles are escaped html assert_xpath('//entry/title[text()="Associations aren\'t :dependent =&gt; true anymore" and @type="html"]') # categories are well formed assert_match /this & that/, @response.body end def test_enclosure_rss20 get :feed, :format => 'rss20', :type => 'feed' assert_response :success # There's an enclosure in there somewhere assert_xpath('/rss/channel/item/enclosure') # There's an enclosure attached to the node with the title "Article 1!" assert_xpath('/rss/channel/item[title="Article 1!"]/enclosure') assert_xpath('/rss/channel/item[title="Article 2!"]/enclosure') # Article 3 exists, but has no enclosure assert_xpath('/rss/channel/item[title="Article 3!"]') assert_not_xpath('/rss/channel/item[title="Article 3!"]/enclosure') end def test_enclosure_atom10 get :feed, :format => 'atom10', :type => 'feed' assert_response :success # There's an enclosure in there somewhere assert_xpath('/feed/entry/link[@rel="enclosure"]') # There's an enclosure attached to "Article 1!" with a length assert_xpath('/feed/entry[title="Article 1!"]/link[@rel="enclosure" and @length]') # There's an enclosure attached to "Article 2!" with no length assert_xpath('/feed/entry[title="Article 2!"]/link[@rel="enclosure" and not(@length)]') # Article 3 exists, but has no enclosure assert_xpath('/feed/entry[title="Article 3!"]') assert_not_xpath('/feed/entry[title="Article 3!"]/link[@rel="enclosure"]') end def test_itunes get :itunes assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body assert_feedvalidator @response.body, :todo end # TODO(laird): make this more robust def test_sitemap get :feed, :format => 'googlesitemap', :type => 'sitemap' assert_response :success assert_xml @response.body end def assert_rss20(items) assert_equal 1, get_xpath(%{/rss[@version="2.0"]/channel[count(child::item)=#{items}]}).size, "RSS 2.0 feed has wrong number of channel/item nodes" end def assert_atom10(entries) assert_equal 1, get_xpath(%{/feed[@xmlns="" and count(child::entry)=#{entries}]}).size, "Atom 1.0 feed has wrong number of feed/entry nodes" end def set_extended_on_rss(value) this_blog.show_extended_on_rss = value end end