require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/haml/template' require 'rubygems' require 'active_support' require 'action_view' require 'benchmark' require 'stringio' module Haml class Benchmarker # Creates a new benchmarker that looks for templates in the base # directory. def initialize(base = File.dirname(__FILE__)) ActionView::Base.register_template_handler("haml", Haml::Template) unless base.class == ActionView::Base @base = else @base = base end end # Benchmarks HAML against ERb. If template_name is specified, # looks for a haml template in ./templates and an rhtml template in # ./rhtml with the name template_name. Otherwise, uses # haml_template and rhtml_template as the location of # the templates. # # Returns the results of the benchmarking as a string. # # :call-seq: # benchmark(runs = 100, template_name = 'standard') # benchmark(runs = 100, haml_template, rhtml_template) # def benchmark(runs = 100, template_name = 'standard', other_template = nil) if other_template.nil? haml_template = "templates/#{template_name}" rhtml_template = "rhtml/#{template_name}" else haml_template = template_name rhtml_template = other_template end old_stdout = $stdout $stdout = times = Benchmark.bmbm do |b|"haml:") { runs.times { @base.render haml_template } }"erb:") { runs.times { @base.render rhtml_template } } end #puts times.inspect ratio = sprintf("%g", times[0].to_a[5] / times[1].to_a[5]) puts "Haml/ERB: " + ratio $stdout.pos = 0 to_return = $ $stdout = old_stdout to_return end end end