require 'open-uri' require 'time' require 'rexml/document' class Technorati include REXML def choose(num) return cosmos unless cosmos.size > num bag = [] set = cosmos.dup num.times {|x| bag << set.delete_at(rand(set.size))} bag end attr_accessor :url, :link, :title, :cosmos # This object holds given information of a picture class Inbound <, :title) def to_s; title end end def initialize(url, refresh = true) self.cosmos = [] self.url = url self.refresh if refresh end # This method lets you refresh the tasks int the tasks array # useful if you keep the object cached in memory and def refresh open(@url) do |http| parse( end end private def parse(body) xml = self.cosmos = [] XPath.each(xml, "//item/") do |elem| inbound = inbound.title = XPath.match(elem, "title/text()").to_s = XPath.match(elem, "link/text()").to_s cosmos << inbound end end end