require 'syntax/convertors/html' class Typo class Textfilter class Code < TextFilterPlugin::MacroPre plugin_display_name "Code" plugin_description "Apply syntax highlighting to a code block" def self.help_text %{ You can use `` to include syntax-highlighted code blocks. Example: class Foo def bar "abcde" end end This uses the Ruby [Syntax]( module. Options: * **lang**. Sets the programming language. Currently supported languages are `ruby`, `yaml`, and `xml`. Other languages will format correctly but will not have syntax highlighting. * **linenumber**. Turns on line numbering. Use `linenumber="true"` to enable. * **title**. Adds a title block to the top of the code block. * **class**. Adds a new CSS class to the wrapper around the code block. } end def self.macrofilter(blog,content,attrib,params,text="") lang = attrib['lang'] || 'default' title = attrib['title'] cssclass = attrib['class'] linenumber = attrib['linenumber'] text = text.to_s.gsub(/\r/,'').gsub(/\A\n/,'').chomp convertor = Syntax::Convertors::HTML.for_syntax lang text = convertor.convert(text) text.gsub!(/
") if(linenumber) lines = text.split(/\n/).size linenumbers = (1..lines).to_a.collect{|line| line.to_s}.join("\n") text = "
" end if(title) titlecode="
" else titlecode='' end "
" end end end end