require 'net/http' begin Kernel.require 'sparklines' Sparklines # this will throw an exception if the require failed. class Typo class Textfilter class Sparkline < TextFilterPlugin::MacroPost plugin_public_action :plot plugin_display_name "Sparkline" plugin_description "Produce Sparklines" def self.help_text %{ You can use `` to generate [Sparklines][], which are essentially small inline charts. Example: Options: * **data** This is the data to be plotted. You may also include the data between `` and `` tags. * **type** This is the type of sparkline to be generated. Options include `area`, `discrete`, `pie`, and `smooth`. For other options, see the [Ruby Sparkline][] website. [Sparklines]: [Ruby Sparkline]: } end def self.opt(attrib,optname) if(attrib[optname]) " #{optname}=\"#{attrib.delete(optname)}\"" else '' end end def self.macrofilter(controller,content,attrib,params,text="") img_opts = opt(attrib,'style') + opt(attrib,'alt') + opt(attrib,'title') data = text.to_s.split(/\s+/).join(',') if(attrib['data']) data = attrib.delete('data').to_s.split.join(',') end url = controller.url_for( {:controller => '/textfilter', :action => 'public_action', :filter => 'sparkline', :public_action => 'plot', :data => data}.update(attrib)) "" end # From the sparkline_controller that comes with sparklines. def plot ary = params['data'].split(',').collect { |i| i.to_i } params.delete('filename') if(params['type'] and not ['smooth', 'pie', 'discrete', 'area'].include?(params['type'])) render :text => 'bad params', :status => 500 return end fragmentname = @request.path+'?'+@request.parameters.keys.sort.collect {|k| "#{k}=#{@request.parameters[k]}"}.join('&') fragment_cache = read_fragment(fragmentname) if(not fragment_cache) fragment_cache = Sparklines.plot(ary,params) write_fragment(fragmentname,fragment_cache) end send_data( fragment_cache, :disposition => 'inline', :type => 'image/png', :filename => "spark_#{params[:type]}.png" ) end # This is really just here for the unit test; we try to call it and # verify that plugin_public_action won't let the call through. def plot2 render :text => '' end end end end rescue LoadError # ignore load errors by not loading any of the library end