********************************** ** Spark Graph Library for Ruby ** ********************************** Geoffrey Grosenbach boss@topfunky.com http://nubyonrails.topfunky.com Daniel Nugent nugend@gmail.com *** What is it? *** A library for generating small sparkline graphs from Ruby. Use it in desktop apps or Rails apps. See the samples in the 'samples' directory. *** How do I use it? *** Read the meager documentation in the enclosed 'docs' folder. In Rails, copy the included files (sparklines_controller.rb, sparklines_helper.rb, sparklines.rb) into your controller, helper, and lib directories, respectively. In your custom controller, do require_dependency 'sparklines' and helper :sparklines In your view, call it like this: <%= sparklines_tag [1,2,3,4,5,6] %> Or specify details: <%= sparklines_tag [1,2,3,4,5,6], :type => 'discrete', :height => 10, :upper => 80, :above_color => 'green', :below_color => 'blue' %> ********************************** CHANGES ********************************** 0.2.1 * Added line_color option for smooth graphs * Now available as a gem ('gem install sparklines') and as a rails generator ('gem install sparklines_generator')