require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/contrib/sshpublisher' require "./lib/syntax/version" PACKAGE_NAME = "syntax" PACKAGE_VERSION = Syntax::Version::STRING SOURCE_FILES = do |fl| [ "lib", "test" ].each do |dir| fl.include "#{dir}/**/*" end fl.include "Rakefile" end PACKAGE_FILES = do |fl| [ "api", "doc" ].each do |dir| fl.include "#{dir}/**/*" end fl.include "NEWS", "LICENSE", "#{PACKAGE_NAME}.gemspec" fl.include "README", "setup.rb" fl.include SOURCE_FILES end Gem.manage_gems def can_require( file ) begin require file return true rescue LoadError return false end end desc "Default task" task :default => [ :test ] desc "Build documentation" task :doc => [ :rdoc, :manual ] task :rdoc => SOURCE_FILES desc "Clean generated files" task :clean do rm_rf "coverage" rm_rf "pkg" rm_rf "api" rm_rf "doc/manual-html" rm_f "ChangeLog" end do |t| t.test_files = [ "test/ALL-TESTS.rb" ] t.verbose = true end desc "Prepackage warnings and reminders" task :prepackage do unless ENV["OK"] == "yes" puts "=========================================================" puts "Please check that the following files have been updated" puts "in preparation for this release:" puts puts " NEWS (with latest release notes)" puts " lib/syntax/version.rb (with current version number)" puts puts "" puts "" puts "" puts puts " tag v#{Syntax::Version::MAJOR}_#{Syntax::Version::MINOR}_#{Syntax::Version::TINY}" puts puts "If you are sure these have all been taken care of, re-run" puts "rake with 'OK=yes'." puts "=========================================================" puts abort end end desc "Tag the current trunk with the current release version" task :tag do warn "WARNING: this will tag using the tag v#{Syntax::Version::MAJOR}_#{Syntax::Version::MINOR}_#{Syntax::Version::TINY}" warn "If you do not wish to continue, you have 5 seconds to cancel by pressing CTRL-C..." 5.times { |i| print "#{5-i} "; $stdout.flush; sleep 1 } system "svn copy{Syntax::Version::MAJOR}_#{Syntax::Version::MINOR}_#{Syntax::Version::TINY} -m \"Tagging the #{Syntax::Version::STRING} release\"" end package_name = "#{PACKAGE_NAME}-#{PACKAGE_VERSION}" package_dir = "pkg" package_dir_path = "#{package_dir}/#{package_name}" gz_file = "#{package_name}.tar.gz" bz2_file = "#{package_name}.tar.bz2" zip_file = "#{package_name}.zip" gem_file = "#{package_name}.gem" task :gzip => SOURCE_FILES + [ :rdoc, :manual, "#{package_dir}/#{gz_file}" ] task :bzip => SOURCE_FILES + [ :rdoc, :manual, "#{package_dir}/#{bz2_file}" ] task :zip => SOURCE_FILES + [ :rdoc, :manual, "#{package_dir}/#{zip_file}" ] task :gem => SOURCE_FILES + [ :manual, "#{package_dir}/#{gem_file}" ] desc "Build all packages" task :package => [ :prepackage, :test, :gzip, :bzip, :zip, :gem ] directory package_dir file package_dir_path do mkdir_p package_dir_path rescue nil PACKAGE_FILES.each do |fn| f = File.join( package_dir_path, fn ) if fn ) mkdir_p f unless File.exist?( f ) else dir = File.dirname( f ) mkdir_p dir unless File.exist?( dir ) rm_f f safe_ln fn, f end end end file "#{package_dir}/#{zip_file}" => package_dir_path do rm_f "#{package_dir}/#{zip_file}" chdir package_dir do sh %{zip -r #{zip_file} #{package_name}} end end file "#{package_dir}/#{gz_file}" => package_dir_path do rm_f "#{package_dir}/#{gz_file}" chdir package_dir do sh %{tar czvf #{gz_file} #{package_name}} end end file "#{package_dir}/#{bz2_file}" => package_dir_path do rm_f "#{package_dir}/#{bz2_file}" chdir package_dir do sh %{tar cjvf #{bz2_file} #{package_name}} end end file "#{package_dir}/#{gem_file}" => package_dir do spec = eval(".gemspec")) mv gem_file, "#{package_dir}/#{gem_file}" end rdoc_dir = "api" desc "Build the RDoc API documentation" :rdoc ) do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = rdoc_dir rdoc.title = "Syntax -- A library for syntax highlighting source code" rdoc.options << '--line-numbers --inline-source --main README' rdoc.rdoc_files.include 'README' rdoc.rdoc_files.include 'lib/**/*.rb' if can_require( "rdoc/generators/template/html/jamis" ) rdoc.template = "jamis" end end desc "Generate the manual" task :manual => [ "doc/manual-html/index.html" ] file "doc/manual-html/index.html" => [ "doc/manual/manual.yml" ] do cd( "doc/manual" ) { ruby "manual.rb ../manual-html" } end desc "Publish the API documentation" task :pubrdoc => [ :rdoc ] do "", "/var/www/gforge-projects/net-ssh/api", "api" ).upload end desc "Publish the user's manual" task :pubman => [ :manual ] do "", "/var/www/gforge-projects/syntax", "doc/manual-html" ).upload end desc "Publish the documentation" task :pubdoc => [:pubrdoc, :pubman]