Classes and Modules
Module Syntax::Convertors
Module Syntax::Version
Class Syntax::Default
Class Syntax::Ruby
Class Syntax::Token
Class Syntax::Tokenizer
Class Syntax::XML
Class Syntax::YAML
SYNTAX = Default )
  A hash for registering syntax implementations.
Public Instance methods

Return an array of the names of supported syntaxes.

    # File lib/syntax.rb, line 32
32:   def all
33:     lang_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "syntax", "lang")
34:     Dir["#{lang_dir}/*.rb"].map { |path| File.basename(path, ".rb") }
35:   end
load( syntax )

Load the implementation of the requested syntax. If the syntax cannot be found, or if it cannot be loaded for whatever reason, the Default syntax handler will be returned.

    # File lib/syntax.rb, line 22
22:   def load( syntax )
23:     begin
24:       require "syntax/lang/#{syntax}"
25:     rescue LoadError
26:     end
27:     SYNTAX[ syntax ].new
28:   end