--- !jamisbuck.org,2004/^manual # This content is made available under the Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 # license from the Create Commons: # # http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ meta: !^meta copyright: 2005 author: Jamis Buck email: jamis@jamisbuck.org product: !^product name: Syntax tagline: Lexical Analysis for Syntax Highlighting version: !!eval require "../../lib/syntax/version"; Syntax::Version::STRING urls: - Project Page: http://rubyforge.org/projects/syntax - User Manual: http://syntax.rubyforge.org - API Documentation: http://syntax.rubyforge.org/api recent_updates: chapters: - "Introduction": - "What is Syntax?": !!file parts/0000.txt - "Quick Start": !!file parts/0001.txt - "Lexical Analysis": - "Groups": !!file parts/0002.txt - "Instructions": !!file parts/0003.txt - "Analyzing": !!file parts/0004.txt - "Syntax Highlighting": - "Converting Text": !!file parts/0005.txt - "Custom Highlighters": !!file parts/0006.txt - "Extending Syntax": - "Introduction": !!file parts/0007.txt - "Interface": !!file parts/0008.txt - "Scanning API": !!file parts/0009.txt - "Registering Your New Syntax": !!file parts/0010.txt