Showing changes from revision #12 to #13:
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This page is for contributors to log small subediting errors (e.g. spelling and punctuation) that they have spotted in the current draft User Guide. Please report potential corrections under the date of the User Guide version you are reading, giving PPP/ppp where
PPP is the sequential page number of the PDF, and
ppp is the ‘printed’ page number in the document,
adding some immediate context (rather than a line number).
Page cross references are only periodically regenerated, so it is not necessary to point out apparently out-of-order page numbers.
One single opening quote and many single closing quotes or apostrophes are showing as ë and í respectively (but only in paragraph headings) on pages:
41/19, 200/168, 231/199, 322/290, 397/365, 402/370 (automatically repeated in some page-top headings).
Chapter 12 ‘Managing the desktop’ appears at 99/107 which is between chapter 9 (71/49) and chapter 10 (109/77).
Chapter 16 (179/161) appears before chapter 15 (203/155) and shares some of the same printed page numbers (for example, both chapters have a page 161). There is a reference to page 161 on the first page of chapter 15 (203/155); make sure that this points to the first page of chapter 16.
500/466: The first sentence states that HForm is in the Utilities directory; it’s actually in Utilities.Caution.
275/251: The list of fonts includes “Sydney”; it’s actually “Sidney”. Note that the rendered example is also wrong.
60/36 and 141/117 both refer to “harddisc” whereas all other references say “hard disc”.
203/183: The third paragraph of “Selecting OmniClient’s protocols” should say “to enable the LAN Manager change its selection line to say”.