Number | Name | Description |
1 | Econet_Peek | Read destination machine’s memory |
2 | Econet_Poke | Write destination machine’s memory (!) |
3 | Econet_JSR | Calls a subroutine |
4 | Econet_UserProcedureCall | Generate Event 8 |
5 | Econet_OSProcedureCall | Generate Event 16 |
6 | Econet_Halt | Halt the destination machine (BBC & Master only) |
7 | Econet_Continue | BBC & Master only |
8 | Econet_MachinePeek | Returns a number identifying the machine type |
9 | Econet_GetRegisters | Returns R0-R15, R13_irq, R14_irq, R13_svc, R14_svc (80 bytes) |
Offset | Meaning |
0 | Size of buffer |
Entry | |
R1 | Econet procedure call argument buffer |
R2 | Address of the code entered |
R3 | Sending station |
R3 | Sending net |
Exit | |
R0 – R4 | May be corrupted |
If the address to call is -1 then the address called is the argument buffer – this allows ARM code to be sent. This is not advised due the inherent security risk of passing data over a possible unsecure network.
Bits | Value | Meaning |
0-15 | - | Machine Type: |
&0000 | Reserved | |
&0001 | BBC (OS 1 or 2) | |
&0002 | Atom | |
&0003 | System 3 or 4 | |
&0004 | System 5 | |
&0005 | Master 128 (OS 3) | |
&0006 | Electron (OS 0) | |
&0007 | Archimedes (OS 6) | |
&0008 | Reserved | |
&0009 | Acorn Communicator | |
&000A | Master 128 Econet Terminal (OS 4) | |
&000B | Acorn Filestore | |
&000C | Master 128 Compact (OS 5) | |
&000D | Acorn Ecolink card for Personal Computers | |
&000E | Acorn Unix box | |
&000F | Risc PC architecture | |
&0010 | Iyonix | |
&0011 | A9 | |
&1040 | Spectrum | |
&1041 | AmstradCPC | |
&5050 | InetGateway | |
&FFF8 | SJ Research GP server | |
&FFF9 | SJ Research 80386 UNIX | |
&FFFA | SCSI interface | |
&FFFB | SJ Research IBM PC Econet interface | |
&FFFC | Nascom 2 | |
&FFFD | Reseach Machines 480Z | |
&FFFE | SJ Research File Server | |
&FFFF | Z80 CP/M | |
16-23 | - | Software version number (BCD) |
24-31 | - | Software release number (BCD) |
Bits | Disabled if set |
0 | Peek |
1 | Poke |
2 | Remote JSR (BL) |
3 | User procedure call |
4 | OS procedure call |
5 | Halt |
6 | Continue (0 on RISC OS) |
7 | Machine peek (0 on RISC OS) |
8 | Get registers |
9 – 30 | Reserved (must be zero) |
31 | Write value to CMOS (in Econet_SetProtection) |