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This page provides a place to log suggestions for the subediting of, and other small corrections to, a future edition of the RISC OS 5 User Guide. It may also be used to log reminders of changes in the OS or its apps that require updates in a new User Guide.
Entries made here before publication of User Guide issues 1 and 2 remain retrievable by opening previous revisions of the page. Please use that facility to check if a suggestion you have now now, was turned down or commented upon by an Editor of a previous issue.
The current RISC OS 5 User Guide is issue 3 (February 2024) and describes OS 5.30. It is available as a paperback book from ROOL here.
We are very grateful to all contributors to this page for making the current issue as complete and error free as it is. Thank you, everyone!
Please preface your entry with “Chapter Title/Page number” (not sequential page from start of the PDF file) with a little context either side to help in locating the suggested change.
From time to time the draft is updated with the latest edits incorporated, though please note that index cross cross-references references between chapters may be stale in drafts due to the way the chapters are stored. 57 of 57 (100%) chapters complete.
Congratulations! All chapters are now believed to be up up-to-date to date with respect toRISC OS 5.30 features and details, though there could still be some lingering mistakes mistakes, so keep combing the text and add anything you find to the list of pending edits below.
(1) There is no warning about setting task alarms in the period 01:00 to 02:00 which would, typically on a day of switch from/to DST, cause them to execute either twice or not at all.
(2) There is inconsistency in showing times in the period 00:00 to 00:59. In dialogues Set alarm and Change alarm they are just that, but in the window that lists alarms, they are shown as ‘12:00 am’ to ‘12:59 am’.
Using applications/31 and Edit/265
‘light shade of yellow’ and ‘yellow’ should perhaps be ‘cream’ since
Typing in text/254 has input focus described as a cream (colour 12) not yellow (colour 9) title bar.
Refer also Style Guide, Menus/106,112 which specify cream (colour 12).
‘To match any one of the characters between the brackets’:
A button for ‘Set[’ is shown, but no button for ‘]Set’. To clarify the words ‘between the brackets’.
Filer setup plug-in/90
To ‘These are the same options presented in the Filer’s Display menu.’ should be added ‘see Changing the sort order of files in a directory display on page 50.’ (‘Reverse’ and ‘Numerical’ options are defined only on page 50, and their settings are not reflected in the Filer config window’s ‘Sort objects by’ field. And when do they get stored in Obey file Choices:Boot.Tasks.FilrSetup?).
Keyboard setup plug-in/94
In ‘Do this: Choose from the Keyboard menu icon to reflect the they of keyboard in use’
‘they’ should perhaps be ‘territory’.
Accessing the command line/504
The last bullet point currently says:
‘The command is passed for execution. Commands offered to the command line interface are looked up in the OS table, passed to any other modules, the filing system manager, and finally *Run as a file of the name given, in an attempt to execute the command.’
This omits the information on context overriding. Preceding a command by ‘‐adfs‐’ will (for the duration of the command only) make adfs the current filing system. Preceding a command by ‘ArmSort:’ will offer the command only to the specified module. The first operation ‘looked up in the OS table’ is therefore not strictly accurate. Detail in the PRM (see PRM 1-924) is fine but this is more a principle.
Setting up networking/167
Below each of the three icons is a dot/light that is green if that type of network is defined/active, and grey otherwise.
Index/571 Ed: the new entries will appear when the index is next regenerated
configuration needs sub-entry ’networking 167’ or ‘network 167’.
network needs sub-entry ‘configuration 167’.
(p81 does point to p167 and Index has p167 for hardware/configuration and configuration/hardware which should stay).
The desktop/46
Ctrl-Alt-Select-click on the Iconise icon similarly iconises all currently open windows either to Pinboard or to Icon bar according to Configuration Pinboard ‘Iconise to’ setting. See also this page.
In the section “Selecting and deselecting objects”, add the text:
If you have more than one Draw window open, only one of them can be in Select mode at a time. Choosing the Select tool in a second window will cause the first window to switch to another tool. See “Working with multiple Draw files” on page 348 for details.
After “Anything pasted from the clipboard replaces the current selection” add the text:
If no object is currently selected, the pasted object will appear at the current pointer position.
In “Working with multiple Draw files” the method of copying an object is incorrect. Amend the text as follows:
Select the object you want to copy and press Ctrl-C. Now move the pointer to the destination Draw window and press Ctrl-V: the object will be pasted at the current pointer position.
The next paragraph also needs a slight amendment:
So, if you select an object in one window and click on the Select tool in another window, the first window is no longer in Select mode and the selection is nullified. This does not affect the clipboard contents in any way. Additionally clicking on the Draw icon to create a new diagram nullifies any current selection.
Changing the computer’s configuration/96
The method of permanently unlocking the computer is incorrect. Instead of using the “Change Password” screen, you should visit the “Unlock” screen twice in succession: the first visit unlocks temporarily, the second visit unlocks permanently.
Using the keyboard/14 Ed: The keyboard diagram on p11 annotates the flag/menu keys, and these are cross referred to from p94 already (the diagram on p14 shows deadkeys)
Label the (currently blank) Left flag, Right flag and Menu keys in the diagram that correspond to the Macro keys defined in Changing the…configuration/94,95. Then p95 could cross-refer to p14.
Does the Style Guide need to mention the preferred use of those keys? Ed: Their use is in Auxiliary Keys, p74, of the issue 3 Style Guide
Edit/265 Ed: Code fixed to match text
The third item in the table (“Reformat all lines of a paragraph to a given length”) states “Place the cursor anywhere in the paragraph”. It should instead state “Place the cursor in the first line to be reformatted”.
Refers to ‘commercial version’ but the read/write version is now Open Source.
Introduction/83 Ed: The User Guide doesn’t cover platform specifics such as Pi or CMOS widgets, those are for the respective Welcome Guide
It would be useful to include ‘CMOS RAM on the Raspberry Pi’ and this could be expanded to cover CMOS widgets on the Pi and other machines.
Index/569 Ed: Alt key index entries revised
Break key see Keyboard
Keyboard / Break / 13, removing tasks 77
Index/581 and elsewhere: coverage of the Alt key
p581 Keyboard Alt key entry points only to p13 when there are several different uses)
Use of Alt consistent with Style Guide p71:
pp11,13 Alt key(s) (positions)
pp14,141,406,568,545 Alt key (top bit set characters)
p407 Alt-Space (no-break space)
Other uses of Alt:
pp xxi,77 Alt-Break (interrupt task)
p46 Ctrl-Alt-Select (iconise windows)
p53 Alt key (filer object rename)
p491 Alt-dclick (!SparkFS)
p544 Alt-Ctrl-Fn (alphabet switching)
Edit/265 and Edit/267
Both pages mention a “cursor” (page 265 in the “Reformat all lines in a paragraph” item, page 267 in “Laying out tables with irregular columns”). For consistency with the rest of the chapter, these should mention the caret, not the cursor.
Maestro/413 and Maestro/414
Both Maestro main windows need updating, both above and below ties are now available in the lower toolbar.
Add “Beams are automatically added when appropriate.” to "Adding dots, accidental, bars and ties, first paragraph.
The section “Maestro’s use of memory” can go, it is superceded by version 2.16, if not previously long gone.
Draw/309 Wrong page link in “Undoing and Redoing operations”, bottom right of table, “see page 351”. The choices dialogue is actually page 348 but it would be better to direct to the start of the Choices section, page 347, to enable the user to find the dialogue box.
On page 309 change “see page 351” to “see Draw preferences, page 347.”