This is a set of bonus applications and modules primarily of interest to developers. It is a bleeding-edge build which comes from the latest revisions of all the relevant sources in our source code repository and is completely untested. Beware that some of the components have fallen into a state of disrepair, lack internationalisation or are anachronistic in some other way and are thus considered unsuitable for inclusion on the standard HardDisc4 image. *Contents* (as of 10 October 2024) * Tools for software development ** [[Software information: FormEd|FormEd]] - Wimp template designer ** [[Software information: ResCreate|ResCreate]] - Toolbox object and gadget creator ** [[Software information: ResEd|ResEd]] - Toolbox resources editor ** [[Software information: ResTest|ResTest]] - Toolbox resources tester ** [[Software information: SrcEdit|SrcEdit]] - Programmer's text editor ** [[Software information: WinEdit|WinEdit]] - Wimp template designer * Modules to help developers ** [[Software information: DebugButtn|DebugButtn]] - adds a "debug" button onto error boxes ** [[Software information: DebugTools|DebugTools]] - additional debugging facilities ** [[Software information: MemAlloc|MemAlloc]] - change the size of some dynamic areas ** [[Software information: ZeroPain|ZeroPain]] - diagnostic tool for ROM images with "zero page" memory protection * Replay components ** [[Software information: AREncode|AREncode]] - compress Replay videos ** [[Software information: ARPlayer|ARPlayer]] - play back Replay videos ** [[Software information: ARWork|ARWork]] - Replay work directory * [[Software information: Territories|Territories]] - modules for a selection of territories, with information on how to use these as a basis for internationalisation * Applications ** [[Software information: MakeInsApp|MakeIns]] ESP MIDI application ** [[Software information: Player|Player]] - audio sample player ** [[Software information: RealTime|RealTime]] - ESP "RealTime" front-end component * Diversions ** [[Software information: Clock|Clock]] - a simple clock display * Utilities ** [[Software information: CDPlayer|CDPlayer]] - plays audio CDs on drives with analogue audio out hardware ** [[Software information: Connector|Connector]] - terminal emulator with XYZModem file transfer and VT102 and CEPT support ** [[Software information: FontEd|FontEd]] - Font editor ** [[Software information: MakeModes|MakeModes]] - Monitor definition file creator and editor * Econet ** [[Software information: GateWay|GateWay]] - AUN/Econet utility ** [[Software information: MailMan|MailMan]] - AUN/Econet email client ** [[Software information: NetMonitor|NetMonitor]] - raw Econet packet sniffer