[[!redirects Software information: iMx6: Beta i.Mx6 ROM]] [[!redirects Software information: iMx6: Beta iMx6 ROM]] category: Help If you are new to RISC OS you should read [[Introduction to RISC OS]]. The download link provides a copy of the latest beta RISC OS ROM image for the Wandboard Quad such as used in the ARMX6 computer. To get started with one of these boards, you need to write out the ROM onto a micro SD card by following the "section on using SDCreate":/wiki/documentation/show/Generic%20OMAP%20port%20setup%20information#create_riscos which is also provided in the download. As the ROM only occupies a tiny fraction of the micro SD card, there is space to add the boot sequence on the same card, but it is likely to be more convenient to use a second micro SD card (there are 2 sockets on the eval board) for day-to-day running.